Department Profile

Year of Establishment:    Undergraduate – 2007      

Names of   Programmes/Courses offered: F.Y.Bsc.,B.A. M.A.

Annual/ semester/choice based credit system (programme wise):

  1.  B.A. – semester/choice based credit system
  2. M.A. – semester/choice based credit system

Number of teaching posts:

Asst. Professors(NG)0505
Laboratory NameArea in Sq. MtrsEquipment detailNo.of equipmentsRemark
Psychology300Galton Bar04 
Muller Layer Illusion  04 
Memory Drum02 
Aesthesiometer (Calliper – 3 Point)06 
Galton Bar05 
Maze Bolt Head – Electronic02 
Mirror Drawing Apparatus Metal star with Digital Electronic Error Counter01 
Wiggly Block  02 
R.T. Apparatus03 
Bhatia’s Battery of Performance Intelligence Test 01 
Koh’s Block Design Test.01 
Pass along Test01 
16PF test01 
H.Rorschach Ink Blot Test01 
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)  
 Adjustment Inventory01