B.Com (CA)

1. Name of the department :B.B.A. (C.A.)

2.  Year of Establishment : 2010

3. Names of   Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.): B.com (C.A.)

4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses and the departments/units involved: Commerce

5. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system (programme wise): B.B.A. (C.A.) (F.Y.,S.Y. and T.Y.) – Semester

6. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: NIL

7. Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc.: NIL

8. Details of courses/programmes discontinued (if any) with reasons; NIL

9. Number of teaching posts

Associate Professors0000
Asst. Professors0006

10. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization, (D.Sc./D.Litt./Ph.D. / M. Phil. etc.,)

Sr. NoName of the FacultyQualificationDesignationSpecializationExperience No. of Years
1.Prof. Yogesh PawarM.Sc.(Computer Science)Assistant ProfessorComputer Science12
2.Prof. Dnyaneshwar ChavanM.Sc.(Computer Science)Assistant ProfessorComputer Science12
3.Prof. Poonam AherM.Sc. (Mathematics), B.Ed.Assistant ProfessorMathematics06
4.Prof. Anuya NavaleM.Sc.(Physics), B.Ed.Assistant ProfessorPhysics06
5.Prof. Sunil BhagwatM.Sc. (IMCA), MH-SETAssistant ProfessorMathematics & Computer Science03
6.Prof. Dipali KhandekarM.C.A.Assistant ProfessorComputer Application03
7.Prof. Anita ChavanM.Sc.(Mathematics), B.Ed.Assistant ProfessorMathematics03
8.Prof. Samadhan JadhavM.Com, B.Ed., D.T.L, G.D.C. & A.Assistant ProfessorCommerce01
9.Prof. Shraddha GaikwadM.Sc.(Computer Science)Assistant ProfessorComputer Science01
10.Prof. Sujata GangurdeM.C.A.Assistant ProfessorComputer Application01
11.Prof. Atul LoharkarM.Sc.(Computer Science)Assistant ProfessorComputer Science01