Nutan Vidya Prasarak Mandal's Arts, Commerce & Science College, Lasalgaon

Book Publish

Department has published an “Arthved” on various socio-economic burning issues every year from 2009-10.

Sr. NoSubjectAcademic Year
1Special Economic Zone and Land Acquisition Issues2007-08
2Farmer’s Suicide2008-09
3The Problems of Agriculture in India2009-10
4The Role of SHG in Rural Development in India2010-11
5Causes and Effects of Rising Prices in India2011-12
6The Problems of Grape Farming in Nashik District2012-13
7Devaluation of Indian Rupee2013-14
8Regional Imbalance in Maharashtra State2014-15
9Indian Agriculture: Present Status, Problems and Policies2015-16
10Agricultural Marketing in India: Present Status,Problems and Policies2016-17
11Loan Waving and Farmers Suicide2017-18
12Women Empowerment2018-19
13Water Crisis in Maharashtra2019-20