Nutan Vidya Prasarak Mandal's Arts, Commerce & Science College, Lasalgaon


  1. Research Project:
Name of FacultyDurationTitle of the ProjectName of the Funding AgencyGrant Received in Rs.Status: Minor/Major
Prof.(Dr.) Adinath More2009-10 to 2011-12A Study of Production and Marketing of Raisin in Nashik DistrictBCUD, University of PuneBCUD, University of PuneCompleted

2. Publications:

    Sr. No.Title of the Article/ PaperName of the journalISSN No.Year
    1Present Status, Problems and Solutions of Raisin Industry in Maharashtra State] Page No-134-148ArthsanvadJuly, VOL -33, Issue- 02, September 20090973-84522009-10
    2Present Status, Problems and Policy of Wine Industry in Maharashtra State, Page-81 to 84Golden Research Thoughts, Vol.- I, Issue- VII,  Jan. 20122231-50632011-12
    3A Study of Marketing Management of Grape wine in Nashik District of Maharashtra State, Page-75 to 78International Journal of Advances in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences,Vol.- I, Issue -6 (III), March 20122249-74552011-12
    4An Opportunity and Problems of Sericulture Industry  in Maharashtra, Page- 80 – 86Indian Streams Research Journal,Vol.3, Issue- Feb 20132230-78502012-13
    5Key Aspects of Rural Development in India, Page- 91-96International Research Journal of Commerce, Business and Social Sciences,Vol. I, Issue -12 (I), March 20132277-93102012-13
    6Rising Prices in India: Causes and Remedies, Page-170-174Vidyawarta: Interdisciplinary Multilingual Research Journal,Vol-I, Issue-I, January – March 20132319-93182012-13
    7District wise Trend of area under grape cultivation, Production and Productivity (2001-02 to 2009-10), Page- 39-42Sahakari Maharashtra ªMay 20130972-3218/20002013-14
    8Future Prospective of Indian Agriculture, Page-129 to 131International Journal of Management and EconomicsVOL-I Issue -X, Sept-Oct. 20132231-46872013-14
    9Provision and Inflow of Foreign Investment in India, Page-127-134Vidyawarta: International Multilingual Research JournalVol-VI, Issue-VII, July-Sept.20142319-93182014-15
    10Changes in India’s Monetary Policy, Page-75-80Printing Area: International Multilingual Research JournalVol-I, Issue-I, January 20152394-53032014-15
    11Impact of Industrialization on Environment, Page-50-53Printing Area: International Multilingual Research JournalVol-I, Issue-II, February 20152394-53032014-15
    12The Choice of Problem is the Real Problem. Page- 1-4Golden Research ThoughtVol-V, Issue-V, Nov. 20152231-50632015-16
    13A Study the Policy and Inflow of FDI in India, Page No. 80-89Information and Research Trends,Vol. III,  Issue- I,  20152320-23272015-16
    14An Overview of Statutory Development Boards (SDBs) in Maharashtra  Page No 160 to 167Excel Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Science,Vol.- I, Issue- 9, Dec-Jan-20162249-9032 (Print)2277-3339 (Online)2015-16
    15Some Developmental Issues of Indian Economy, Page- 7 to 11Sanshodhan SamikshaSpecial Issue- January- 20162278-93082015-16
    16The Development Backlog in the Irrigation Sector of Maharashtra, Page-  1 to 10Galaxy Link: An International Multidisciplinary Half-Yearly Research JournalVol.- IV, Issue- II,  May- Oct 20162319-85082016-17
    17The Role of Rest of Maharashtra Statutory Development Board in the Development of Pune Region- A Critical Study, Page-99-109Ideal: An International Multidisciplinary Half-Yearly Research Journal,Vol. -V, Issue- II, March-August 20172319-359X2016-17
    18The Role of RMSDB in the Development of its Region- A Critical Study, Page-13-23AJANTA: An International Multidisciplinary Quarterly Research JournalVol -VI, Issue -II April- June 20172319-85082016-17
    19The Role of Rest of Maharashtra Statutory Development Board in the Development of Konkan Region- A Critical Study, Page- 83-93Galaxy Link: An International Multidisciplinary Half-Yearly Research JournalVol. -V, Issue- II,  May- Oct 20172319-85082017-18
    20The Role of Statutory Development Board in the Development of Nashik, Page -91-99AJANTA: An International Multidisciplinary Quarterly Research JournalVol. -VI, Issue -IV Oct.-December 20172277-57302017-18
    21The Causes and Solution of Farmers Suicide Page-99-102Printing Area: International Multilingual Research JournalVol-II, Special Issue- February 20182394-53032017-18
    22Indian Banking Sector: Challenges and Opportunities, Page- 171-185Research Journey: International E- Research Journal,Special Issue-87 (A) Jan. 20192348-71432018-19
    23Foreign Direct Investment in IndiaResearch Journey: International E- Research Journal, Special Issue-215 Jan. 2020, P.49-542348-71432019-20
    24Sustainable Economic DevelopmentAayushi International Interdisciplinary Research JournalSpecial Issue No.88, 30May 2021ISSN 2349-638X2020-21

    3. Invited lectures / Resource Person/ paper presentation in Seminars/ Conferences: 

    Sr. No.DateName of the ProgramName of Organizing AgencyInternational (Abroad)/International (within Country)/ National/ State/University levelTitle of Paper
    127/11/2010 to28/11/2010University Level Research Conference for Pune University College Teachers ‘Innovation-2010.C. T. Bora College, Shirur,Dist- PuneUniversity LevelAuction is the major  hurdle in Raisin Marketing
    228/01/2011 to29/01/2011State level Seminar on Government Policy on InflationK.K. Wagh Art’s, Commerce, Science and Computer Science College, Ranwad, Tal- Niphad, Dist- NashikState levelGovernment Policies on Inflation
    305/02/2011 to06/02/2011International Doctoral Thesis ConferenceInstitute of Future Education Entrepreneurship and Leadership, Lonawala, Tal- Mawal, Dist- PuneInternationalA Study of Production and Marketingof Raisin in Nashik District
    408/02/2011University Level Workshop on Value EducationK.K.H. Abad Arts and SMG Lodha Commerce College, ChandwadUniversity LevelValue Education is the Need of Age
    518/02/2011University Level Seminar  on New Economic Reform in IndiaArts & Commerce College, Belapur, Tal- Shrirampur, Dist- AhmednagarUniversity LevelImpact of Privatization, Liberalization and Globalization on Indian Economy
    610/02/2010 to11/02/2012State Level Seminar on The Impact of Price Rise on India’s Economic DevelopmentArts, Commerce and Science College, Lasalgaon, Tal- Niphad, Dist- NashikState LevelCauses and Effects of  Rising Prices on India’s Economic Development
    715/03/2012 to16/03/2012Regional Research Conference for Pune University College Teachers ‘Innovation-2012.BCUD, University of Pune & Smt. Pushpatai Hiray Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Malegaon, Dist- NashikRegionalA Study of Production and Marketing of Raisin in Nashik District (PPT)
    822/11/2012 to2/11/2012National Level 36th Conference of Marathi Arthashastra ParishadBhusawal Arts, Science and P.O. Nahata Commerce College, Bhusawal, Dist- JalagaonNational LevelA Critical Evaluation of Causes and Effects of Inflation in India
    928/02/2013University Level Workshop on Value Education K.K.H. Abad Arts and SMG Lodha Commerce and Science College, Chandwad, Dist- NashikUniversity LevelValue Education and Youth
    1008/01/2019 to09/01/2019National Level Conference on Indian Financial Sector: Challenges & ProspectsS.N.Arts, D. J. Malpani Commerce and B. N. Sarada Science College, Sangamner, Dist- AhmednagarNational LevelDigital Payment System in India: Growth & Issues
    1118/01/2019 to19/01/2019State Level Seminar on Agricultural Problems and Prospects in MaharashtraAgasti Arts, Commerce and Dadasaheb Rupwate Science College, Akole, Dist- AhmednagarState LevelMajor Problems of Agriculture Sector in Maharashtra
    1229/01/2019 to30/01/2019State level Seminar on LoanWaiver For Farmer’s & Its Impact on Indian Economy K.K. Wagh Arts, Commerce, Science and Computer Science College, Chandori, Dist- NashikState levelFarmers Suicide and Waiving  the Agricultural Loan

    4. Training/Seminar/workshop/course work/ Innovative activities attended during the assessment period:

    Sr. No.DateActivityName of Organizing Agency
    113/11/2010 to15/11/201034th Conference of Marathi Arthashasra ParishadAdarsh Arts and Commerce College, Badalapur, Thane
    229/01/2011 to31/01/2011National Level Seminar on Financial, Aanagerial, Quality & Accreditational Issues of Education in IndiaGokhale Education Society’s B.Y.K. (Sinnar) College of Commerce, Nashik
    327/02/2012 to29/02/2012National Level Seminar on Povert Alleviation in India: Policies and FactsPemraj Sarda College, Ahmednagar
    402/03/2012 to 03/03/2012International Research Conference on Management, Engineering and TechnologyFirst Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
    515/03/2012 to17/03/2012International seminar on Financial Inclusion: Concept, Experiences and InnovationsChandraroop Dakale Jain College of Commerce, Shrirampur, Dist- Ahmednagr
    628/12/2012 to29/12/2012National Conference on Environment Conservation &Sustainable DevelopmentR. N. Chandak Arts, J. D. Bytco Commerce & N. S. Chandak Science College, Nashik Road, Nashik
    729/12/2012National Conference Prise Hike: Causes, Consequences and RemediesDhamangaon Education society’s Adarsha Science, J. B. Arts and Birla commerce Mahavidyalaya, Dhamangaon (Rly.) Dist- Amravati
    813/02/2013Workshop on Research Priorities in Social Sciences for 21st Century for Ph. D. Guides under the faculty of Mental, Moral &Social SciencesDepartment of Adult, Continuing Education & Extension,  Savitribai Phule Pune University, P une
    925/02/2013International Interdisciplinary Conference on Recent Trends in Commerce, Management, Engineering, Technology and Social SciencesChoice College of Arts and Commerce, Pune
    1005/03/2013Workshop on Restructuring of M. A. Part-I (Sem I &II) SyllabusS.N. Arts, D.J.M. Commerce & B.N.S. Science College, Sangamner, Dist- Ahmednagar
    1111/09/2013 to12/09/2013National Level Seminar on Economic Crisis and India’s Monetary PolicyDepartment of Economics, R.B.N.B. College, Shrirampur, Dist- Ahmendnagar
    1212/09/2013To 14/09/2013National Level Seminar on Indian Agriculture: Outlook and ChallengesChandraroop Dakale Jain College of Commerce, Shrirampur, Dist- Ahmednagar
    1307/10/2013 to08/10/2013National Level Seminar on Emerging Trends and Strategies in Foreign Direct InvestmentDepartment of Commerce and Economics, K.G.D.M Arts, Commerce and Science College, Niphad, Dist- Nashik
    1416/01/2015 to17/01/2015National Level Seminar on Impact of Foreign Direct InvestmentDepartment of Commerce and Economics, Karmaveer Punjababa Govardhane Arts, Commerce and Science College, Igatpuri, Dist- Nashik
    1527/01/2016 to28/01/2016National Level Seminar on Commerce and EconomicsMahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir’s Arts and Commerce College, Yeola, Dist- Nashik
    1630/09/2016 to 01/10/2016National Level Seminar on Research Methodology in commerce and Social SciencesMaratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj’s Arts, Commere and Science College, Nandgaon, Dist- Nashik
    1722/12/2016 to23/12/2016State Level Seminar on Impact of Bharat Ratna Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s Thoughts on Indian EconomyMahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir’s Arts, Science  and Commerce College, Manmad, Tal- Nandgaon, Dist- Nashik
    1812/02/2018 to13/02/2018National Level Seminar on Problems and Prospects of Indian AgricultureDepartment of Economics, Pravara Education Society’s Padmashri Vikhe Patil College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Pravaranagar, Dist- Ahmednagar
    1911/02/2019Workshop on Soft Skill Training ProgramBelapur Education Society’s Arts and Commerce College, Belapur, Tal- Shrirampur, Dist- Nashik
    2013/09/2019Workshop on Choice Based Credit System Implementation for Arts, Commerce and Science Programs of Colleges affiliated to SPPUS. N. Arts, D. J. M. Commerce and B. N. S. Science College, Sangamner, Dist- Ahmednagar
    2114/09/2019Workshop on Choice Based Credit System Implementation for Arts, Commerce and Science Programs of Colleges affiliated to SPPUS. N. Arts, D. J. M. Commerce and B. N. S. Science College, Sangamner, Dist- Ahmednagar
    2226/09/2019 to01/10/2019Faculty Development Program on Cyber SecurityFaculty Development Centre in Cyber Security and Data Sciences, Shivaji Vuniversity, Kolhapur and Hosted by N.V.P.Mandal’s Arts, Commerce and Science College, Lasalgaon, Tal- Niphad, Dist- Nashik
    2301/06/ 2020 to 06/06/2020One Week Online Faculty Development Program on Use of ICT in Teaching LearningDr. Ghali College, Gadhinglaj, Dist- Kolhapur
    2419/07/2020One-Day National Webinar on “Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Rights”Chintamani Mahavidyalaya, Ghugus, Tah, Dist- Chandrapur And Dr. Ambedkar College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Chandrapur, Dist – Chandrapur
    2512/07/2020One Day Online National Seminar on Covid-19 and the Indian Economy: Impact, Effect and ChallengesYeshwantrao Chavan Arts, Commerce and Science College, Ambajogai, Dist- Beed
    2613/12/2020 to14/12/2020Two Day National Level Seminar on “Indian Economic Slowdown: Causes,Effects and Remedies”Dadapatil Rajole Arts, Science and Commerce College, Adinathnagar, Tal- Pathardi, Dist- Amednagar
    2705/07/2020One Day National Multidisciplinary E-Conference on Covide-19 and MigrationMilind College of Arts, Aurangabad
    2807/07/2020One Day Training Programme on Business Economics SyllabusPadmashri Vithalrao Vikhe Patil College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Pravaranagar, Ahmednagar

    5. Award and Recognition:

    1. Certificate of Appreciation awarded by Department of Higher and Technical Education,Government of Maharashtra for excellent work as an NSS Programme Officer for the Academic year 2015-16.
    2. Certificate Awarded by Savitribai Phule Pune University for selection of State level Appreciation Award by Government of Maharashtra as NSS Programme Officer on 5th August 2016.
    3. Letter of Appreciation by Savitribai Phule Pune University for Representing the University as team leader in National Integrity Camp Organized by Mysore University and Shri Adichanchangiri Education Trust, Bramhadevarhali, Tal- Nagmangala, Dist- Mandya, Karnataka held from 24/01/2015 to 30/01/2015
    1. Publications:
    Sr.NoTitle of the paperName, volume, year, page no of the journalName, volume, year, page no of the journal
    1Economic Development Women Empowerment A National Conference on Women Empowerment, 23 & 24 Oct. 2013National
    2The Role of Foreign Capital in Economic Development in IndiaIndian Journal of Research Studies (IJORS) in Commerce & Management, Vol 2 Issue 1&2 , 2014National
    3Irrigation tools and methodsWater Management, 136-140 2015,Rajmudra ISSN- 2320-7086.      26th & 27th Feb.2015National
    4Foreign direct investment in India’s foreign trade International Research Journal of Humanities and Social Science,Vol-3,Special Issue-3, Jan 2016, 155-157State
    5Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s thoughts on agricultureImpacts of DR.B.R. AMBEDKAR’S Thoughts On Indian Economy, Special Issue-VI, Dec-2016,44-46International
    The role of banks and insurance sector in microfinance
    National Conference on Economics & Commerce,116-11727 Jan.27&28 2016International
    7The Goal of Moderns EducationInternational Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research Special Issue-VII: Feb.2016International
    8GST is a tax systemEffect of GST on Indian Economy, Special Issue- XXXVI,173-177,Jan-2018International
    9Effect of Demonetisation on Indian EconomyFeb-on 8th and 9th2019,Special Issue-138International
    10 Problems caused by COVID-19 epidemic in Indian agriculture Impact of Covide-19 on Indian Economy, March-2021, Issue-CCLXXVII (277)-DInternational

    2.  Invited lectures / Resource Person/ paper presentation in Seminars/ Conferences

    1.  Presented Paper on Causes and Measures of farmers Suicide in National Level Conference on Farmers Suicide: Causes, Remedies and Impact on Agricultural Economy held on 1st to 3rd March 2012
    2. Presented paper on Economic Development and Women Empowerment in National level Conference on Women Empowerment held on 23re & 24th Oct. 2013 organized by M.G. College Malegaon.
    3. Presented paper on Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s thoughts on agriculture on in State level Seminar on Impact of Bharat Ratna Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s Thoughts on Indian Economy, held on 22nd and 23rd December 2016, Organized by Arts, Commerce and Science College, Manmad.
    4. Presented paper on The Goal of Moderns Education in National Level Seminar on Academic Reforms in Higher Education in the Subject of Commerce and Economics in the Global Scenario held on 4th and 5th February 2016, Organized by Arts and Science College, Manmad.

    3. Training/Seminar/workshop/course work/ Innovative activities attended during the assessment period:

    Sr. No.Name of  the seminar/conference/workshop/symposiumName of the sponsoring agencyPlace
    1Attended University  Level seminar on New Economic  ReformsBCUD, University of PuneArts,Commerce andScience, College. Niphad23February 2003.
    2Attended the seminar on Necessity of reforms in Income TaxBCUD University of PuneArts,CommerceScience College. Satana26 feb 2003
    3Attended the Seminar on co-operative banking challenges & prospects       BCUD University of PuneK.G.D.M.Arts.Commerce,& N.S.C. science College Nashik Road 2 March 2006
    4Attended the seminar on Farmers suicide & Indian Agriculture PolicyBCUD University of PuneK.V.N. Arts, commerce& science college. Nashik. 10 Jan. 2007
    5Attended the seminar on obstacles in agricultural Development”BCUD University of PuneK.K. Wagh Arts Commerce& Science College Pimpalgaon (B)29 Jan 2008
    6Attended the seminar on Globalization &privatization”BCUD University of PuneArts college Abhone27 Aug 2008
    7Attended the seminar on Impact of global Recession on IndiaBCUD University of PuneArts, Commerce&Science Manmad 11 Jan 2010
    8Attended the one day seminar on globalization opportunities in the development of India AgricultureBCUD University of PuneLokneteVyankatArts, Commerce&ScienceMahavidyalayaPanchavti4Feb..2011
    9Attended the state level seminar on Indian agriculture: challenges & measuresBCUD University of PuneSmt. Vimlaben Khimji Tejookaya Arts, Commerce & Science ,college Deolali camp Nashik11& 12feb-2011
    10 State level Seminar on The Impact of Price Rise on India’s Economic Development.BCUD, University of PuneArts, Commerce and Science College, Lasalgaon10& 11Feb. 2012
    11I have attend training programmeBCUD, University of PuneGokhale Education societies N.B.T.Law college ,Nashik10& 15tmarch-2014
    12Attended the International Webinar on Barriers for Women Empowerment: Strategies to OvercomeCentre for Women Empowerment and Women StudiesManonmaniam Sundaranar University Centre for Women Empowerment and Women28-Jully 2020
    13Attended the Webinar on ‘Gender Bias and Stereotyping, Gender Equality and Women Rights’Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Maratha Vidya Prasarak SamajsK. P. G. Arts, Commerce & Science College, Igatpuri, Dist- Nashik- 422403 (Maharashtra)7/May/2020
    14Attended theOne day Webinar on “Blue Ocean Strategy: A Vehicle for Entrepreneurship”, Organized by Department of Commerce & Commerce (CA)Sri Krishnasamy Arts & Science College. Mettamalai, Sattur.24-Jully-2020
      15 Attended theNational Webinar on “Promoting Gender Equality: Strategies & Challenges” organized by the Centre for Women Empowerment and Women Studies”Promoting Gender Equality: Strategies & Challenges”ManonmaniamSundaranar University Centre for Women Empowerment and Women ManonmaniamSundaranar University Centre for Women Empowerment and Women15.Jully 2020.