Program Specific Outcomes (PSO): B.A. ENGLISH
PSO1 Linguistic and Communicative Competencies among the Students will be enhanced.
PSO2 The Students will be introduced to English Literature and Literatures in English.
PSO3 The Students will get sensitized about Various Forms of Literature.
PSO4 Thinking and Critical Abilities will be inculcated in them.
PSO5 Values of Equality, Integrity and Nationalism will be imbibed in students.
First Year B.A. (NEP 2020 w.e.f. 2024-25)
DSC -1English: English for Beginners
Course Outcomes:
- Students learn the basics of English language
- Students become confident and proficient in the use of English in real life situations
- Students relies the beauties of literature as linguistic construction and learn less and values of life
- Students acquire necessary skills that make them competent and employable
- Students learn the significance of human values
Open Elective (OE): Mass Communication through English
Course Outcomes:
Students get enough exposure to the basics of mass communication
Students become familiar with the importance of mass communication in the present global contexts
Students acquire necessary skill sets of mass communication
Students become familiar with and capable of good mass communication
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC): Soft Skills through English
Course Outcomes:
- Students are introduced to the significance and basics of soft skills
- Students acquire soft skills necessary in real life situations
- Students know the theory of soft skills and their practical importance through exercise
- Students learn many different soft skills
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)
Developing Communicative Competence in English
- Students understand the importance of communication and the consequent competence required for it.
- Students learn the basics of communication
- Students acquire the necessary skills components of communication
- Students become confident about communication through rigorous exercise
- Students become competent in communication
S.Y. B.A.
S.Y.B.A. Compulsory English Sem. III (23001)
CO1. Students will get exposed to the best examples of literature in English and to contribute to their emotional quotient as well as independent thinking.
CO2. Universal human values will be instilled through best pieces of literature in English
CO3. Students will develop effective communication skills by developing ability to use right words in the right context.
SEC1A SYBA Advanced Study of English Language Sem. III (23333)
CO1. Students will get familiarized with the various components of language.
CO2. They will develop overall linguistic competence.
CO3. Students will be introduced to some advanced areas of language study.
DSC 1A Appreciating Drama Sem. III (23331)
CO1. Students will be introduced Drama as a major form of literature
CO2. They will be introduced minor forms of Drama
CO3. The students will be acquaint and get familiarized with the elements and the types of
CO4. They will be acquainted and enlightened students regarding the literary and the performing dimensions of drama
DSC 2A Appreciating Poetry Sem. III (23332)
CO1. Students will be acquainted with elements of poetry like figures of speech and stanza forms
CO2. They will be able to distinguish among the different types of poetry thereby studying poetry with greater insight.
CO3. They will enjoy select masterpieces of English poetry
CO4. They will be introduced to the poetic themes like discrimination, perseverance, empathy etc. enhancing their insight of human values.
SEC2A Certificate Course in Skill Development Mastering Communication Skills
Sem. III (23334)
CO1. Students will be able to improve their overall communication skills
CO2. They will get acquainted with the nuances of verbal and nonverbal communication
CO3. They will get exposure to spoken English in different situations.
SEC2B Certificate Course in Skill Development Mastering Communication Skills
Sem. IV (24334)
CO1. Students will acquire basics of soft skills
CO2. They will be able to interact in English
CO3. Students will gain confidence in public speaking
T. Y. B. A. Compulsory English
CO1 To introduce students to the best uses of language in literature.
CO2 To familiarize students with the communicative power of English.
CO3 To enable students to become competent users of English in real life situations
CO4 To expose students to varied cultural experiences through literature.
CO5 To contribute to their overall personality development by improving their
communicative and soft skills
T. Y. B. A. General English (G-3): Advanced Study of English Language and Literature
CO1 To expose students to some of the best samples of Indian English Poetry.
CO2 To make the students see how Indian English poetry expresses the ethos and culture of
CO3 To make them understand creative uses of language in Indian English Poetry.
CO4 To introduce students to some advanced areas of language study.
CO5 To prepare students to go for detailed study and understanding of literature and
CO6 To develop integrated view about language and literature among the students.
T.Y.B.A. Special Paper III (S-3): Appreciating Novel
CO1 To introduce students to the basics of novel as a literary form.
CO2 To expose students to the historical development and nature of novel.
CO3 To make students aware of different types and aspects of novel.
CO4 To develop literary sensibility and sense of cultural diversity in students.
CO5 To expose students to some of the best examples of novel.
T.Y.B.A. Special Paper IV(S-4): Introduction to Literary Criticism
CO1 To introduce students to the basics of literary criticism.
CO2 To make them aware of the nature and historical development of criticism.
CO3 To make them familiar with the significant critical approaches and terms.
CO4 To encourage students to interpret literary works in the light of the critical
CO5 To develop aptitude for critical analysis.
M.A. English
MA Part I
ENG1.1 & 2.1 Background to English Literature
After completion of the course, the student will be able to-
CO1. Introduce major movements in literature of the world.
CO2. Enhance & reinforce understanding of the texts.
CO3. Integrate knowledge of the diversity of cultures and people.
CO4. Connect the timeline of literary history.
CO5. Know the impact that literature has on cultural, historical, social, psychological and political change.
ENG1.2 & 2.2 English Literature-1 (The Renaissance Period and
the Neoclassical Period)
CO1) understand the major trends in the Renaissance period and the Neoclassical period.
CO2) appreciate and analyze the literary nuances in the prescribed works.
CO3) critically analyze the prescribed texts from different perspectives.
CO4) apply the knowledge of values, culture and human relations in everyday life.
CO5) explore the possibilities of research in English literature.
ENG1.3 &2.3 Advanced Studies in English Language
CO 1 acquire the basic tools essential for a systematic study of language,
CO 2 learn advanced theories or concepts in linguistics,
CO 3 understand the phonological, morphological, lexical, and syntactic systems of the
English language,
CO 4 know various varieties of English,
CO 5 understand the aspects of language planning, maintenance and language shift,
C0 6 acquire advanced concepts in Pragmatics,
CO 7 know the nature of Stylistics and its relation to/with literary criticism, and
CO8 conduct discourse and stylistic analysis of a text.
ENG1.4 & 2.4 Literary Criticism and Theory
CO1) remember the critical thinkers or philosophers and their seminal works
CO2) understand the significance of major critical theories
CO3) analyze the themes and structure of literary works
CO4) examine dominant ideologies in a literary work
CO5) evaluate a literary work using a theoretical framework
ENG1.5A Indian Writing in English Translation
CO1 get acquainted with literary achievements of some of the significant Indian writers
whose works are available in English Translation
CO2 become aware of sub-cultural variations in the translated works
CO3 understand the major ancient, medieval and modern movements in Indian thought as
reflected in the translated works
CO4 compare the treatment of different themes and styles in the genres of fiction, poetry
and drama as reflected in the prescribed translations
CO5 know different literary techniques employed by various Indian regional language
ENG2.5A Cultural Studies
After the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. understand the newly established field of cultural studies, its concerns and approaches
2. know interdisciplinary approach and analysis of cultural issues including literature and language
3. learn new possibilities of analysis that can relate them to their surroundings
4. know the recent developments in humanities and social sciences that cover several issues from
philosophical to everyday matter
5. realize the significance of tolerance, sense of equality and love for humanity in students
ENG1.6 Research Methodology
After the successful completion of this course students will be able to:
CO1. know the concept of Research
CO2. comprehend the significance of Research
CO3. analyze and identify the Research problem
CO4. understand different tools and techniques of Research
CO5. frame a Design for the Research
M.A. Part II
ENG 601 MJ: World Classics
After the successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
CO1) understand the importance of classics through selected literary texts.
CO2) appreciate and analyze the literary nuances in the prescribed works.
CO3) critically analyze the prescribed texts from different perspectives.
CO4) apply the knowledge of values, culture and human relations in everyday life.
CO5) explore the possibilities of using knowledge gained through texts in their life.
ENG 602 & 652 MJ: English Literature-II (Romantic Period and Modern Period)
After the successful completion of this course, students will
CO1) understand the major trends in the Romantic and the Modern periods.
CO2) appreciate and analyze the literary nuances in the prescribed works.
CO3) critically analyze the prescribed texts from different perspectives.
CO4) apply the knowledge of values, culture and human relations in everyday life.
CO5) explore the possibilities of research in English literature.
ENG603 & 653 MJ: Indian Writing in English
After the successful completion of this course, students will
CO1: know the various phases of the evolution in Indian Writing in English. (i. e. the major movements and figures of IWE)
CO2: understand the Indian cultural ethos and indigenous belief systems through the study of major literary works in the domain of Indian English literature.
CO3: interpret the writings of different Indian writers and appreciate the variety and diversity of Indian Writing in English.
CO4: explain the sociopolitical and cultural contexts in which the works were written and received in India.
CO5: critically examine and restate their understanding of literary texts.
CO6: understand the uniqueness of artistic and innovative use of the English language in IWE.
ENG604 & 654 MJ English Language and Literature Teaching
After the successful completion of this course, students will
CO1 understands the different theoretical and practical aspects of language and literature teaching,
CO2. comprehend different theories, approaches, methods and techniques that could be incorporated in language and literature teaching,
CO3. create tasks for developing language skills, and teaching pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary effectively,
CO4. get acquainted with the major issues in ELLT in the Indian context, and
CO5. justify their point of view on some of the significant issues in language teaching etc.
ENG 612 & 662MJ: American Literature
After the successful completion of this course, students will
CO 1) analyse the various genres of American literature.
CO 2) describe the various movements that contributed to the development of the various literary texts.
CO 3) examine the genres and works of various eminent American writers.
CO 4) comprehend the inter-connection between literary texts, American history and culture.
ENG 641 Research Project
Outcomes: 1. Students learn the basics of research.
2. Students understand research methods and process of collecting data.
3. Students come to know the writing skills, with proper citation and adherence to academic standards
4. Students get familiar with ethics of research
5. Students enhance their research aptitude.