Nutan Vidya Prasarak Mandal's Arts, Commerce & Science College, Lasalgaon

POs, COs

  1. To familiarize students with fundamentals concepts and principles of Geography
  2. To guide students in an identification and analysis of various facets of geographical features and processes.
  3. To enhance students ability in spatial analysis, relationship between people, places and environment.
  4. To develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, analytical and scientific reasoning, reflective thinking, moral & reflective awareness amongst the students.
  5. To facilitate the students to learn skills of cartographic techniques, data analysis and interpretation, carrying out field work, use of Geoinformatics techniques, research projects, applications and applied studies.
Sr.No.PSO Statement : After completing the B.A. in Geography, Students will be able toKnowledge and Skills
PSO 1Illustrate the geographical concepts and theories, practicals, regional approach focus on global, continental, countrywide and statewideDisciplinary knowledge
PSO 2Understanding the ethical consideration in geographic research and environment values in developing sustainable resolvesMoral & ethical awareness
PSO 3Interpret the spatial relationships between places, people and environmentSpatial analysis skills
PSO 4Apply geographic knowledge and skills to solve real-world problems and issuesCritical thinking & Problem Solving Ability
PSO 5Analyze and interpret spatial data using GIS, Remote sensing and cartographic techniquesAnalytical reasoning / digitally literacy
PSO 6Appraise geographic issues and regional to global perspectives in the context of sustainabilityScientific reasoning
PSO 7Capability to design, conduct and present field work/survey projects and research projectsResearch related skills/self-relative learning
PSO 8Develop team work and leadership qualities through seminars, outdoor practicals, field work and study toursTeam work /leadership qualities
PSO 9Evaluate human impacts on environment and develop sustainable resolvesReflective thinking/
PSO10Creating skills for professional careers in the field of environmental management, rural development, urban planning, geospatial technologies, cartography, field survey techniques, disaster management, tourism sector etcPreparation for livelihoods/lifelong learnings
Name of the ProgrammeB.A (Geography)
Name of Vertical GroupMain Subject
Course CodeGEO-101-T
Course TitleIntroduction to Physical Geography
Type of courseTheory
Total Credits02
Workload(15 hours/credit) 2 credits x 15 hours = 30 hours in semester

Objectives of the Course:

 1.To acquaint students with basic principles of Physical Geography
2.To introduce the processes and patterns in the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere.
3.To develop scientific insights into dynamics of the earth system.

Course Outcome:

By the end of this course, student will be able to:

CO 1Understand fundamental concepts, theories and approaches of Physical Geography
CO 2Recognize functions of complex interactive earth systems.
CO 3Demonstrate scientific explanation of physical processes of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere.
CO 4Describe diverse human activities in changing natural environment.
Name of the ProgrammeB. A. (Geography)
Name of Vertical GroupMain Subject
Course CodeGEO-102-P
Course TitlePracticals in Physical Geography
Type of coursePractical
Total Credits02
Workload2 credits x 30 hours = 60 hours in semester
Objectives of the Course: 1.To create awareness amongst students regarding the fundamental concepts of Human Geography, including its meaning, nature and scope.
2.To understand the branches of Human geography i.e. Population Geography, Settlement Geography and Agriculture Geography.
3.To explore different types and patterns of settlement.
4.To understand the types of agriculture with problems.
Name of the ProgrammeB. A. (Geography)
Name of Vertical GroupMain Subject
Course CodeGEO-152-P
Course TitlePracticals in Human Geography
Type of coursePractical
Total Credits02
WorkloadTotal Workload: -2 credits x 30 hours = 60 hours in semester
Objectives of the Course: 1.  To understand and interpret various population indices.
2.To analyse settlement patterns using various measures of nucleation and dispersion.
3.To develop their skills in utilizing techniques in Agricultural Geography.

Course Outcome:

By the end of this course, student will be able to:

CO 1Identify different methods of representation of population indices.
CO 2Identify patterns of nucleation and dispersion in human settlements
CO 3Calculate and interpret crop combination methods to analyze spatial patterns and trends in agricultural land use
Name of the ProgrammeB.A. (Geography)
Name of Vertical GroupSEC
Course CodeSEC-151-GEO
Course TitlePracticals in water analysis
Type of coursePractical
Total Credits02
WorkloadTotal Workload: -2 credits x 30 hours = 60 hours in semester

Objectives of the Course:

1.  To identify and explain key water quality parameters.
2.To learn various quality indices useful for drinking and irrigation water analysis.
3.To train the students for the interpretation of water quality data with the comparison of regulatory standards.

Course Outcome:

By the end of this course, student will be able to:

CO 1    Comprehensive understanding of various quality indices useful for assessment of water resources.
CO 2Select and calculate appropriate water quality indices based on specific objectives and available data.
CO 3Interpret the overall water qualities with a comparison of BIS and WHO standards.

S.Y.B.A. Geography (G2) Syllabus for Semester III

Name of Subject: Environment Geography- I, Subject Code: Gg.210 (A)


1. To create the awareness about dynamic environment among the student.

2. To acquaint the students with fundamental concepts of environment

geography for development in different areas.

3. The students should be able to integrate various factors of Environment and dynamic aspect of Environmental geography.

4. To make aware the students about the problems of environment , their utilization and conservation in the view of sustainable development

S.Y.B.A. Geography (G2) Syllabus for Semester IV

Name of Subject: Environment Geography- II, Subject Code: Gg.210 (B)


1. To create awareness about dynamic environment among the students.

2. To acquaint students with the fundamental concepts of Environment Geography.

3. To acquaint students about the past, presents and future utility and potentials of natural resources.

4. To make aware students about the problems of environment, its utilization and conservation in the view of sustainable development

S.Y.B.A. Geography (S1), Syllabus for Semester III

Name of Subject: Geography of Maharashtra, Subject Code: Gg.220 (A)


1. To acquaint students with Geography of our State.

2. To make students aware of the magnitude of problems and prospects in Maharashtra.

3. To help students understand the inter relationship between the subject and the society.

4. To help students understand the recent trends in regional studies

S.Y.B.A. Geography (S1), Syllabus for Semester IV

Name of Subject: Geography of Maharashtra, Subject Code: Gg.220 (B)Objective :

1. To make students aware about the Agriculture problems and prospects of Maharashtra.

2. To understand the population distribution and settlement pattern in Maharashtra.

3. To understand the concept of rural development.

4. To understand the prospectus in Tourism activity in Maharashtra and the role of MTDC and Role of MIDC in industrial development in rural area of Maharashtra

S.Y.B.A. Geography (S2), Syllabus for Semester III

Name of the Subject: Scale and Map Projection, subject Code: Gg. 201 (A)

Practical Geography-I No. of Credits: 04

Objectives of Course:

1. To introduce the basic concepts in Practical Geography

2. To enable students to use various Scales and Projection Techniques in Geography.

3. To acquaint students with the utility of various Projections in Geographical knowledge.

4. To explain the elementary and essential principles of practical work in Geography.

Course Outcome:

After the successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:

1. Develop practical skill and use of map scale and projection.

2. To make students aware of the new techniques, accuracy and skills of map making.

S.Y.B.A. Geography (S2), Syllabus for Semester IV

Name of the Subject: Cartographic Techniques, Surveying and Excursion / Village / Project Report subject Code: Gg. 201 (B)

Practical Geography-II No. of Credits: 04

Objectives of Course:

1. To introduce the students to the basic and contemporary concepts in Cartography.

2. To acquaint the students with the utility and applications of various Cartographic Techniques.

3. To introduce the latest concepts regarding the modern cartography in the field of Geography.

4. To explain the elementary and essential principles of practical work in Geography.

Course Outcome:

After the successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:

1. Develop practical knowledge and application of cartographical techniques.

2. To make students aware of the new techniques, accuracy and skills of Map Making.

S.Y.B.A. Geography Syllabus


Subject Code: SEC – A Semester – III

Total Credit:02, Total Periods: 30


The objectives of the course are to develop following Skills among the students

1.To introduce basic concepts and fundamental structure of Disaster Management (DM).

2.To inculcate critical thinking and problem-solving abilities on disaster management.

3.To enable students to assess the situation and design plan for Disaster management

S.Y.B.A. Geography Syllabus

Name of Subject: APPLIED COURSE OF Travel & Tourism

Subject Code: SEC – B Semester -IV

Total Credit:02, Total Periods: 30


1. To develop basic framework to understand the various elements of tourism management.

2. To evaluate the role of transport in travel and tourism industry.

3. To develop the skills to arrange, manage and implement various types of tours.

Skills to be developed:

1. Students will be able to perform online as well as offline booking and cancellation procedures for different available modes of travel and tourism.

2. Students will be able to acquire earning skills in tourism industry.

Semester V

Geography of Tourism- I CC1E(No. of Credits: 03)


1) To understand the history of Tourism

2) To introduce the students to the basic concepts in Tourism Geography.

3) To understand the types of Tourism

4) To gain knowledge different aspects of Tourism Geography.

Semester V

Geography of India -I DSE 1 C(No. of Credits: 03)


1. To acquaint the students with geography of our Nation.

2. To make the student aware of the magnitude of problems and Prospects at National level.

3. To help the students to understand the inter relationship between the subject and the society.

4. To help the students to understand the recent trends in regional studied

Semester V

Practical Geography- I

(Techniques of Spatial Analysis) DSE- 2 C

(No. of Credits: 04)


1. To introduce the basic concepts and techniques of Geographical Analysis.

2. To introduce the students with SOI Toposheets and acquire the Knowledge of Toposheet


3. To introduce the students with Weather Maps and acquire the Knowledge of its


4. To introduce the students with Aerial Photographs and Satellite Images and acquire

knowledge to interpret it .

5. To acquaint students with the spatial and structural characteristics of Practical


6. To explain the elementary and essential principles on field of practical work.

Semester V


Value/Skill based Course

Research Methodology – I



1. To develop the understanding of the basic concept of research

2. To develop the understanding of the basic framework of sampling and data collection

3. To develop the understanding of various sampling methods and techniques

Geography of Tourism- II CC1F(No. of Credits: 03)


1. To understand the history of Tourism

2. To introduce the students to the basic concepts in Tourism Geography.

3. To understand the types of Tourism

4. To gain knowledge different aspects of Tourism Geography.

Semester VI

Geography of India -II DSE1 D(No. of Credits: 03)


1. To acquaint the students with geography of our Nation.

2. To make the student aware of the magnitude of problems and Prospects at National level.

3. To help the students to understand the inter relationship between the subject and the society.

4. To help the students to understand the recent trends in regional studied

Semester VI

Practical Geography- II (Techniques of Spatial Analysis, Surveying

and Excursion /Village/ Project Report) DSE- 2 D

(No. of Credits: 04)

Semester VI


Value/ Skill based Course

Research Methodology – II



1. To identify various sources of information for data collection.

2. Understanding of the conducting survey on various issues and develop the Report writing

skill of students