Nutan Vidya Prasarak Mandal's Arts, Commerce & Science College, Lasalgaon


1.    An essay writing competition is organized on the occasion of Marathi Language Pride Day. 
2.    Poetry recitation competitions are organized. Marathi signature competition is organized.
3.    Every year a handwritten special issue is published by the Chief Guest on the occasion of Marathi Language Pride Day.
2011-12Dnyanpith Paritoshik Vijete Sahityik
2012-13  Maharashtratil Kavishreshth  
2013-14   Natakkar Visheshank
2014-15   Marathi Sahityatil Kavyitri
2015-16   Mukt Vishay
2016-17  Mukt Vishay
2017-18  Aai Bap Vishwashank
2018-19  Sant Sahity
2019-20  Loksahity
2020-21College Close due to Corona restrictions
2021-22  Kavitechya Gava jave
2022-23  Koronache te Divas
2023-24Nisarg Visheshank
4.    A student writing workshop is conducted by the Marathi department for this manuscript.
5.    Every year a welcome ceremony is organized for second year students.
6.    Every year a farewell ceremony is organized for third year students.
7.    An interdisciplinary program is conducted every year.
8.    The activity 'Adarsh ​​Uttare' is taken for students of second year Science Marathi subject.
9.    Drama is shown to students through audio-visual medium. (Drama is a literary form for students to study in the syllabus.)

10. Organizing field visits/excursions for students.

11. Organization of Literary Visitation Programmes.

12. Class room seminar and group discussion etc. to organize.

13. Conduct of interview (Interview of college professors who have done research/remarkable performance in science subject is conducted every year.)

14. To organize the activity 'Textbook author visits us'.