Nutan Vidya Prasarak Mandal's Arts, Commerce & Science College, Lasalgaon

POs, COs

The objectives of a Bachelor of Arts (B.A) / Bachelor of Science first year (F.Y.B.Sc.) programme in Psychology offered various behavioural skills as per the National Education Policy [2020] to provide complete knowledge and skills of psychology to the students, to develop theoretical base of the subject with the help of classical and advanced theories, to skill them to apply the knowledge in day-to-day life.

Sr. NoProgram outcome
1To develop a strong foundation of advanced psychological theories aligned with the graduation and honours program.
2To help the students to gain the comprehensive understanding of behavioural skills.
3To bridge the gap between Psychology and other social science subjects with interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary nature.
4To create awareness among the students about interrelations between psychology and society.
FYBA/ FYBSCPSY-101-T : Foundations of Psychology and ExperimentsStudents will understand Define and explain Psychology as a science along with its goals.  
Students will Understand basic concepts of Experimental Psychology.  
Understand and explain basic concepts of cognitive psychology, i.e. sensation, perception, learning and memory..
 PSY-102-P : Psychology Practical – 1  Students will Understand the practical applications of psychology.
Students will Acquaint how to conduct the experiments and relate their practical applications
Students will Acquaint with several data collection methods of psychology.
Students will Develop basic skills of report writing in psychology.
   SEC-101-PSY: Art of Effective Communication  Students will Describe and use principles of verbal, non-verbal and emotional communications
Students will Demonstrate the uses of different channels of nonverbal communication
Students will Demonstrate use of effective verbal message and emotional competence
 OE-101-PSY: OPEN ELECTIVE (OE) Psychology of Adjustment and Stress        Students will Describe determinants of adjustment and perception towards change.
Students will . Discuss the different types of stress and responses to it.
Students will . Differentiate ways of coping with stressors in modern life.
Students will Understand group dynamics and individual in the social world.
FYBA/ FYBSCPSY-151-T: Basics of Psychology and Psychological Testing  Students will Understand basic concepts of Psychological Testing.
Students will Understand and explain basic concepts of cognitive psychology, i.e. sensation, perception, learning and memory.
PSY-152-P: Psychology Practicals – 2  Students will  Understand the practical applications of psychology.  
Students will  Acquaint how to conduct the tests and relate their practical applications
  Students will  Acquaint with several data collection methods of psychology.
Students will  Develop basic skills of report writing in psychology.
Students will  Evaluate practical implementation of the psychological testing in real life.
 SEC-151-PSY: Managing Relationship, Conflicts and StressStudents will ) Describe the characteristics, types, needs and communications in friendship and love relationship 
Students will Explain characteristics, types, needs and communications in family relationship.
Students will Demonstrate use of conflict management strategies
Students will Apply healthy coping strategies for effective management of stress and its consequences 
 OE-151-PSY: Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships (OE)  Students will  Explain the determinants of attraction and relationship development.
Students will Discuss psychological aspects of friendship and romantic love  
Students will Discuss the marital adjustment across the Family Life Cycle and vulnerable areas  in marital adjustment
Students will Describe the factors affecting decision for marriage and alternatives to marriage
SYBAPsychology of Abnormal Behaviour-I &II (DSE-1A &DSE-1B)Students will acquire the knowledge about the symptoms, diagnostic criteria, and causes of various psychological disorders    
Students will examine multiple probable causes and correlates of behaviour.
Students will  understand critiques, limitations, and implications of diagnosis and classification of psychological diseases.
Students will create awareness about mental health problems in society.
 Psychology of Abnormal Behaviour-II (DSE-1B)Students will Learn descriptions, and theories underlying diagnostic nosology of psychiatric disorders.  
Students will Learn and understand benefits, critiques, limitations, and implications of diagnosis and classification.
Students will acquire the knowledge about the symptoms, diagnostic criteria, and causes of various psychological disorders.
Students will Examine multiple probable causes and correlates of behaviour.
Students will Create awareness about mental health problems in society.
SYBADevelopmental Psychology (DSE-2A)Students will Understand the importance, characteristics and concern in lifespan development  
Students will Understand biological, cognitive, and socio-emotional processes.
Students will . Understand the periods of development, the significance of age, and discuss developmental issues.
Students will Understand Psychoanalytic, Cognitive, Behavioural and Social Cognitive, Ethological, Ecological and Eclectic theories of development
Students will Understand methods of data collection and research designs used in Life-span development research
THEORIES OF PERSONALITY (DSE-2B)Students will Understand the concept of personality with various theories of personality on the basis of personality psychology.
Students will Understand different framework and theoretical aspects of personality.
Students will Understand and observe, interpret individual differences in behaviour in the light of sound theoretical systems of personality.
Students will Understand the nature of stress and coping
Students will Understand various factors related to health and diseases.
Students will Understand quality of life and promoting the good health.
POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY (SEC- 1B)Students will Understand how the positive psychology as the science of happiness, human strengths, positive aspects of human behavior and ‘psychology of well-being.’  
Students will How we lead our lives, find happiness and satisfaction, and face life’s challenges.
Students will How positive psychology has become an evolving mosaic of research and theory from many different areas of psychology.
SYBAHealth Promotion Life Skills (SEC-2A)Students will understand importance of  physical and mental health.
Students will learn how to enhance health
Students will understand diseases and how to heal them.
Basic Counselling Skills           (SEC-2B)Students will understand counseling processes.
Students will understand  counseling skills
Students will acquired counseling skills
TYBAPSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING (THEORY) (DSE 1 C)Students will Describe the concept of psychological test, reliability, validity and norms.  
Students will Classify and categorize psychological tests, reliability- validity-norms types.  
Students will Identify the reliability and validity of psychological tests
Students will Evaluate the types of norms.
Students will Conduct testing project for behaviour analysis.
EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY (THEORY), RESEARCH PROJECT ( DSE 1 D )Students will Describe the process of experiment in psychology, concept of psychophysics.  
Students will Explain problem, hypothesis, variables, sampling in experiment.
Students will Identify and classify the learning system, methods of psychophysics.
Students will Compare laws of psychophysics, types of hypotheses.
 Students will Conduct research based project.
TYBAPSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS, STATISTICS (DSE 2 C)Students will Describe mapping of human behaviour.  
Students will Explain general ability testing, personality, adjustment and attitude.
Students will Identify and classify the intellectual ability and personality patterns.
Students will personality traits, adjustment and attitudes of participant
Students will Analyze statistical methods employed in behaviour analysis.
 PSYCHOLOGICAL EXPERIMENTS, STATISTICS (DSE 2 D)  Students will Explain psychophysics, various cognitive processes of human being.  
Students will Classify and compare psychological experiments.
Students will Conduct laboratory experiments.
Students will Analyse statistical base of human behavior.
TYBAINDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (SEC 1 C )Students will Describe the concept of industrial and organizational psychology, selection and training, evaluation and motivation at workplace.  
Students will Explain job profile, job analysis, recruitment techniques and employee training.
Students will Identify and classify the appraisal rating system.
Students will Compare different theories of motivation.  
 Students will Evaluate the training programme and job performance.
APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY (SEC 1 D)Students will  Describe the concept of applied psychology, educational psychology, family structure and developmental patterns.  
Students will Know the clinical psychology related mechanisms, social issues, and criminal behavior.
Students will Classify the intellectual ability, abnormality, criminal behavior.
Students will Identify the problems and solutions in the field of education,
Students will Evaluate the interpersonal relations.
Students will Apply psychological remedies to assess abonormal behaviour, to tackle the social issues and to rectify the problematic behaviour.
TYBAPERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT-1 (SEC 2 C)Students will Describe the concept of personality.  
Students will Identify and classify various personality traits.
Students will Correlate real life behavioural patterns with theoretical assumptions.
Students will Apply psychological skills in daily life situations.
PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT-2 (SEC 2 D)Students will Describe the concept of self-esteem and personality development.
Students will Identify and classify behavioural assessment techniques.
Students will Evaluate personality of individuals.
Students will : Apply psychological skills to develop owns personality. 

 Prof. Kishor G. ankulnekar

Head, Department of Psychology

Initially NEP-2020 Pattern is the semester basis. Students having psychology as special subject for their M. A. degree they should have mandatory to qualify total 23 papers And take 88 credit in Four Semester.

Sr. NoProgram outcome
1Student willable to develop an understanding of the psychology and the factors affecting psychological behaviour
2Student will aware with various new developments in different field of psychology.
3Ability to develop an understanding of the behaviour of human being and the factors affecting on behaviour.
4Student will able to understand fundamentals of modern psychological concepts as well as recent trends in Indian psychology.
5Student will understand the role of psychologist and counselors in society.
6Student will able to work in mental health setup in Indian society.
7Students will understand the behavior of abnormal person and able to help them for better mental health and rehabilitation.


M.A. I SEM- IPSY-MJ-101 : COGNITIVE PROCESSES Students will  Define and explain the theoretical foundations of cognitive psychology, including theories, research methods.
Students will Illustrate how sensation, attention and perception form the building blocks of cognition.
Students will Demonstrate an understanding of the cognitive phenomenon of language acquisition and usage.
Students will Clarify the cognitive phenomena of problem-solving and creativity.
  M.A. I SEM- IPSY-MJ-102: PSYCHOMETRICS  Students will Define and explain the basic concepts necessary for creating a psychological test.
Students will  Illustrate the usage of psychological assessment in different fields
Students will Make judgments based on criteria and standards through checking and critiquing of themethods used in the standardisation of different psychological tests
Students will Develop skills necessary for test construction and standardisation, such as item writing, item analysis etc.
M.A. I SEM- IPSY-MJ-103: STATISTICS FOR PSYCHOLOGYStudents will Define and explain the basic concepts of statistical methods used in psychology
Students will Demonstrate skills for conducting data analysis using different statistical methods
Students will Demonstrate the skill of choosing the appropriate statistical analysis technique for given data
Students will Use statistical software to conduct basic statistical analysis
M.A. I SEM- IPSY-RM-104: RESEARCH METHODS IN PSYCHOLOGYStudents will Define and explain the basics of scientific research in applied psychology
Students will able to Differentiate between the different experimental and quasi-experimental methods applicable in psychology
Students will able to Summarize the various multivariate research methods used in psychology
  Students will able Create a research proposal as per the APA style
M.A. I SEM- IPSY-MJP-105: PSYCHOLOGY PRACTICAL: TESTS  Students will Learn the importance and certain skills of psychological testing.
Students will Apply knowledge of psychological testing to real-world scenarios, such as diagnosing psychological disorders, making educational recommendations, or personnel selection.
Students will Exhibit proficiency in administering a variety of psychological tests and assessments.
 Students will Demonstrate ethical conduct in test administration and interpretation, adhering torelevant guidelines and professional standards.
M.A. I SEM- IPSY-EL-108: SPORTS PSYCHOLOGYStudents will Define and explain the basic foundations of Sports psychology, including history and research methods.
Students will Determine the relationship of personality, motivation, and emotion with performance
Students will Evaluate the role of leadership dynamics in sports
Students will Create an interventional strategy for a sport.
M.A. I SEM- IIPSY-MJ-201: LEARNING AND MEMORYStudents will Define and explain the fundamental concepts of Learning, including theories and their applications.
Students will Define and explain the fundamental concepts of Memory, including theories and their applications.
Students will Summarise the techniques in behaviour modification and memory improvement
Students will Demonstrate an understanding of phenomena such as distortion of memory, etc.
M.A. I SEM- IIPSY-MJ-202: BIOPSYCHOLOGY  Students will Define and explain the biological foundations of behavior, including theories, research methods.
Students will Carry out or using a procedure for executing, implementing innovative techniques in biopsychology.
Students will Determine how the parts relate to one another and to an overall structure or purpose through differentiating, organizing, and attributing related to physiology and behaviour.
  Students will Make judgments based on criteria and standards through checking and critiquing of the behaviour in various states.
M.A. I SEM- IIPSY-MJ-203: PERSONALITYStudents will Define and explain the fundamental concepts of Personality, including the misconceptions and approaches
Students will Explain the differences in the psychoanalytic and neo-psychoanalytic theories of personality
Students will Demonstrate the applications of personality theories in different walks of life
Students will Observe and interpret individual differences in behaviour in the light of sound theoretical systems of personality.
  M.A. I SEM- IIPSY-OJT-204: ON-THE-JOB TRAINING (OJT) / FIELD PROJECTStudents will Balance theoretical understanding with practical experience
Students will Understand the requirements of running Mental Health Organizations
Students will Demonstrate the practical skills required in the field of mental health
M.A. I SEM- IIPSY-MJP-205: PSYCHOLOGY PRACTICAL: EXPERIMENTSStudents will Understand the process of conducting laboratory experiments.
Students will . Understand the importance of controlled conditions for conducting a laboratory experiment.
Students will Develop the capacity to design new experiment on the basis of psychological theory.
Students will Understand the importance and application of the experiments.
M.A. I SEM- II PSY-EL-208: CRIMINAL PSYCHOLOGYStudents will Define and explain the meaning and scope of criminal psychology, including theories and various schools.
Students will Explain the influence of psychological disorders on criminal behaviour and the assessment of criminal tendencies
Students will Identify the different types of criminal behaviour such as cyber-crime, stalking, etc.
  Students will Describe the role of forensic psychology in criminal investigation.
M.A. II SEM- IIIPSY-601-MJ: PROFESSIONALISM IN PSYCHOLOGYStudents will Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the foundational ethical principles and codes of conduct that guide the practice of psychology
Students will Apply ethical decision-making models to analyze and address complex ethical dilemmas in psychological practice.
Students will Understand and navigate the legal frameworks that regulate the practice of psychology, including the intersection of legal and ethical considerations.
Students will Demonstrate the ability to obtain informed consent, maintain confidentiality, and conduct ethical psychological assessments, considering the unique challenges in these areas
Students will Recognize and navigate ethical challenges in therapeutic relationships, including the establishment and maintenance of professional boundaries.
Students will Analyze and critically examine emerging ethical issues in the field of psychology.
M.A. II SEM- IIIPSY-602-MJ: Psychopathology- IStudents will . Describe the definitions, symptoms, classifications, etiology, and treatment of abnormal behaviour.
Students will Formulate an understanding of psychopathology which includes an integration of biology, psychology, & social context.
Students will Recognize how culture and social context affect our understanding of psychopathology.
Students will Use critical thinking, sceptical inquiry and the scientific approach to evaluate how psychopathology relates to the field of psychology and the everyday world.
Students will Understand the issues involved in defining normal and abnormal behaviour.
Students will Write thoughtfully about the material covered in the class.
M.A. II SEM- IIIPSY-603-MJ: PsychodiagnosticsStudents will To explain what is psychodiagnostics and its basics
Students will To enable to discuss and assess the behavioural and clinical problems of the clients and making diagnosis, and estimating prognosis
Students will enable oneself in writing psychological report.
M.A. II SEM- IIIPSY-604-MJ: INDIAN PSYCHOLOGY  Students will  Understand concepts in psychology explained in the Indian knowledge system
Students will Able to explain the concept of personality as narrated in different Indian schools.  
M.A. II SEM- IIIPSY-610-MJ: HEALTH PSYCHOLOGYStudents will Students will be able to apply various theories of health psychology in daily living.
Students will  Students will be able to relate and build understanding about current life style changes and role of stress in areas of life.
Students will Students will be able to synthesize intervention modules for habit changing and stress reduction.
M.A. II SEM- IIIPSY-631-RP: Research Project: Pilot study  Students will Understand the process of conducting a literature review
Students will Complete the research proposal
Students will Conduct a pilot study on the basis of the research proposal.
M.A. II SEM- IVPSY-651-MJ: Community Psychology  Students will Get comprehensive overview of the community psychology discipline
Students will Know about the aims of community research
Students will Know about emerging trends in community psychology
Students will Define and explain the core values of community psychology
Students will Analyze and evaluate various socio-cultural psychological models and behaviours 
Students will  Develop preventive measures and design promotion programmes for better community development  
M.A. II SEM- IVPSY-652-MJ: Psychopathology- II  Students will Know the personality disorders
 Students will Identify the classification of the symptoms of mental disorder  
Students will Understand the causes, criteria of abnormal behaviour Course contents 
M.A. II SEM- IVPSY-653-MJ: Psychotherapies  Students will understand what is psychotherapy, what are its ingredients, therapist skills. 
Students will identify compare varieties of psychotherapies and identify best kind of psychotherapy.  
Students will practice the activities that are conducted by psychotherapist in the initiate phase such as establishing working relationship, evaluating problems, making diagnosis, and estimating prognosis.
Students will describe and evaluate the process and techniques of various psychotherapies.
M.A. II SEM- IVPSY-660-MJ: Practicum in the Area of Clinical Psychology  Students will Take the case history and MSE of a client.
Students will Use the process of case formulation and therapeutic formulation in creating of treatment plan for the client.
M.A. II SEM- IVPSY-681-FP: Research Project: Dissertation  Students will Complete the dissertation in their field of specialization.  

      Kishor G. Ankulnekar

Head, Department of Psychology