1. Name of the department: Botany
2. Year of Establishment: 1991
3. Names of Programmes/Courses offered: B.Sc.
4. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system (programme wise): B.Sc. (F.Y.) – Annual, B.Sc. (S.Y. and T.Y.) – Semester
5. Number of teaching posts
Sanctioned | Filled | |
Professors | 00 | 00 |
Associate Professors | 00 | 00 |
Asst. Professors | 04 | 04 |
6. Faculty profile:
Name | Qualification | Designation | Specialization | No. of Years of Experience |
Dr.S.K.Shinde | M.Sc., Ph.D. | Head and Assistant Professor | Mycology | 28 |
Prof. B.K. Hiray | M.Sc. | Assistant Professor | Pharmacognosy | 28 |
Dr. P.P.Sonawane | M.Sc. Ph.D. | Assistant Professor | Angiosperm | 27 |
Prof.V.V.Bankar | M.Sc., B.Ed. | Assistant Professor | Embryology | 24 |
7. Infrastructure Detail:
Laboratory Name | Area in Sq. Mtrs | Equipment detail | No. of equipments | Remark |
Botany | 3000Sq.feet | Simple Microscope | 15 | In work |
Compound Microscope | 15 | In work | ||
Binocular Microscope | 01 | In work | ||
Trinocular Microscope with camera | 02 | In work | ||
Laminar airflow chamber | 01 | In work | ||
Autoclave | 01 | In work | ||
Hot water bath | 01 | In work | ||
Electronic one pan balance | 01 | In work | ||
Oven | 01 | In work | ||
Centrifuge machine | 01 | In work | ||
Colorimeter | 01 | In work | ||
PH meter | 01 | In work | ||
Water bath | 01 | In work | ||
Tilak air sampler | 01 | In work | ||
Camera Lucida | 01 | In work | ||
Rough balance | 01 | In work | ||
Camera | 01 | In work |
8. Workshops/Seminars conducted by department:
Sr No | Title of Seminar/workshop/conference | Level(University/State/National) | Academic Year | FundingAgency | |
1. | Biodiversity and Environmental Awareness | State level | 2010-11 | Under aegis of university of Pune | |
2. | Webinar on ” Green Environment” | University Level | 2021-22 | Lasalgaon College | |
3 | Webinar on ” Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)” | University Level | 2021-22 | Lasalgaon College |
9. Research activity:
- Research projects:
Name of thefaculty | Duration | Title ofthe project | Name of thefundingagency | Grant receivedIn Rs. | Status(Minor/ Major) |
Dr.S.K.Shinde | 2009-10to 2010-11 | Studies on Garlic (Allium sativum L.)with reference to AM fungi | UGC | 1,20000/- | Minor |
Prof. B.K. Hiray | 2007-08 to 2008-09 | Study ofBio components in the atmosphere of Lasalgaon | BCUD, University of Pune | 1,00,000 | Minor |
Dr. P.P. Sonawane | 2007-08 to 2008-09 | Survey of medicinal plant and it’s conservation from Chandwad | BCUD, University of Pune | 1,00,000 | Minor |
Prof. V.V.Bankar | 2012to2014 | Study of phycodiversity of Nandurmadhmeshwar Dam, Tal-Niphad, Dist-Nashik | UGC | 1,30,000/ | Minor |
10) Publications:
- Research papers:
- Dr. S. K. Shinde
- Sr.NoTitle of the paperName, volume, year, page no, ISSN no of the journalStatusImpact factor1Occurrence of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi from rhizosphere soil of Garlic(Allium sativum L.)Indian Streams Research Journal Vol.1 issue VII/August2011pp.1-4 2230-7850International-2The alleviation of salt stress by the activity of AM fungi in growth and productivity of Onion (Allium cepa L.) plant..Int. Journal of Life sci. and Pharmaceutical Research (IJLPR) Vol3/issue1/Jan-March2013. 2250-0480International-3“Assessment of Biodiversity of AM Fungi associated with Garlic (Allium sativum L.)” from Niphad Tehsil of Nashik DistrictJournal of Basic SciencesSpecial issueJuly-2015Issue-1. 2454-1931International-4.“Consequence of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza on Enhancement, growth and Yield of Onion (Allium cepa L.)Int. Journal Life Sci.Scientific Res. Vol.2,Issue 2, pp206-211., March 2016. 2455-1716International2.45.The Impact ofArbuscular-Mycorrhizal fungi and water stress on development and yield of onion (Alliumsativum L.)Journal of The Gujarat Research Society,Vol.21,issue 16,Dec. 2019, ISSN0374-8588International4.36.The Efficiency of Arbuscular mycorrhiza on Augmentation,Expansionand Yield of Garlic(Alliumsativum L)InternationalJournal of Research and AnalyticalReviews, Special Issue-June. 2020, ISSN2349-5138International-7.Consequence of Arbuscular-Mycorrhizal Glomus species on drought tolenerce of Garlic(Alliumsativum L.)Research Journalof AgriculturalSciences, Vol-11(6)Nov.Dec.2020, ISSN0976-1675International-
- Dr. P. P. Sonawane
- Sr.NoTitle of the paperName, volume, year, page no, ISSN no of the journalStatusImpact factor1Phytochemical Determination from leaf sample of grewia asiatica(L.) 1665-1668Journal Of The Gujarat Research Society , Vol-21 Issue- 14December 2019, 0374-8588International4.32The Comparative study of phytoconstituents of genus grewia from western maharashtraJournal Of The Gujarat Research Society, Vol-21 Issue- 14December 2019, 0374-8588International4.33Pharmacognostic Study On Leaves Of Genus Grewia From Western MaharashtraInternational Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol-29 Issue- 062020, 2005-4238International-4.The Study On Proximate Composition Of Different Species Of Genus Grewia From Western MaharashtraEuropean Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine (EJMCM), Vol-07 Issue- 102020, 2515-8260International-5.The phytochemical Determination from leaf samples of two Grewia speciesJournal of scientific research of the banaras hindu university, Vol-65 Issue- 072021, 0447-9483International-6.The Pharmacognostic and proximate composition analysis from leaf part of genus GrewiaNVEO-Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils, Vol-08 Issue- 052022, 2148-9637International-
- Dr. V. V. Bankar
- Sr.NoTitle of the paperName, volume, year, page no, ISSN no of the journalStatusImpact factor1Ethano-medicinal plants to cure cough from Toranmal plateau,Nandurbar District, Maharashtra, IndiaEDU WORLD, VolumeXII specialIssue:395-400April. 2018, ISSN 2319-7129International-2 Some ethano-veterinary plants from Toranmal Plateau, Nandurbar District, Maharashtra, IndiaInternational Jouranal ofResearch andAnalytical Review, 135-140January 2019, ISSN2348-1269 International-3Traditional method to cure elephantiasis from Nagbhir taluka, Chandrapur district,Maharashtra,IndiaEdu Care, Vol .IX ,Number 8,Jan.-Dec.2020, PP 201-202, ISSN 2319-5282International-4.Few ethano-botanical medicinal plants from Toranmal plateau, Maharashtra, IndiaJournal of scientificresearch of theBanaras hinduUniversity, Vol. 65,Issue-7,Sept.2021,99-102, ISSN 0447-9483International-5.Utilitarian floraof Toranmal plateau,Maharashtra,IndiaUPA nationalE- Journal, Vol.8Issue-2April2022,23-27, ISSN-2455-4375International-
Sr. No. | Title | Author / Co-Author | Publication | Year | ISBN |
1. | Significance of Indian medicinal plants and mushroom Vol.-I | Dr. S.K.Shinde | Krishna Publication House | August 2021 | 978-93-90627-49-3 |
2. | Plant Pathology | Dr. S.K.Shinde | Prashant Publication, Jalgaon | Dec. 2021 | 978-93-92425-39-4 |
3. | Archegoniate | Dr. S.K.Shinde | Prashant Publication, Jalgaon | Dec. 2021 | 978-93-92425-38-7 |
4. | The Mushroom: An Incredible Natural Resource | Dr. P.P.Sonawane | Blue Rose Publisher | June 2022 | 978-93-5628-257-5 |
5. | Significance of Indian medicinal plants and mushrooms Vol. I | Dr. V. V. Bankar | Krishna Publication House | August 2021 | 978-93-90627-49-3 |
11) Future plan of the department:
- To develop Herbal garden.
- To maintain and care of lawn and Rosary
- To cultivate Spirulina and Azolla.
4. Extension of Botanical Garden
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