Book Publish
Sr. No. | Title | Author / Co-Author | Publication | Year | ISBN |
1. | Significance of Indian medicinal plants and mushroom Vol.-I | Dr. S.K.Shinde | Krishna Publication House | August 2021 | 978-93-90627-49-3 |
2. | Plant Pathology | Dr. S.K.Shinde | Prashant Publication, Jalgaon | Dec. 2021 | 978-93-92425-39-4 |
3. | Archegoniate | Dr. S.K.Shinde | Prashant Publication, Jalgaon | Dec. 2021 | 978-93-92425-38-7 |
4. | The Mushroom: An Incredible Natural Resource | Dr. P.P.Sonawane | Blue Rose Publisher | June 2022 | 978-93-5628-257-5 |
5. | Significance of Indian medicinal plants and mushrooms Vol. I | Dr. V. V. Bankar | Krishna Publication House | August 2021 | 978-93-90627-49-3 |