Nutan Vidya Prasarak Mandal's Arts, Commerce & Science College, Lasalgaon

Department Profile

Year of Establishment: 1991

Names of CoursesPatternIntake
F.Y. B.Sc. (Botany)NEP 2024120
S.Y. BSc. (Botany)CBCS 2019120
T.Y. BSc. (Botany)CBCS 201930
Associate Professors0000
Asst. Professors0404
Laboratory NameArea in Sq. MtrsEquipment detailNo. of equipmentsRemark
Botany3000 Sq.feetSimple Microscope15In work
  Compound Microscope15 In work
  Binocular Microscope01In work
  Trinocular Microscope with camera02In work
  Laminar airflow chamber01In work
  Autoclave01In work
  Hot water bath01In work
  Electronic one pan balance01In work
  Oven01In work
  Centrifuge machine01In work
  Colorimeter01In work
  PH meter01In work
  Water bath01In work
  Tilak air sampler01In work
  Camera Lucida01In work
  Rough balance01In work
  Camera01In work