Research activity:
Research projects:
Name of the faculty | Duration | Title of the project | Name of the funding agency | Grant received In Rs. | Status (Minor / Major) |
Dr. S. K. Shinde | 2009-10 to 2010-11 | Studies on Garlic (Allium sativum L.) with reference to AM fungi | UGC | 1,20000/- | Minor |
Prof. B. K. Hiray | 2007-08 to 2008-09 | Study of Bio components in the atmosphere of Lasalgaon | BCUD, University of Pune | 1,00,000 | Minor |
Dr. P. P. Sonawane | 2007-08 to 2008-09 | Survey of medicinal plant and it’s conservation from Chandwad | BCUD, University of Pune | 1,00,000 | Minor |
Prof. V. V. Bankar | 2012 to 2014 | Study of phycodiversity of Nandurmadhmeshwar Dam, Tal-Niphad, Dist-Nashik | UGC | 1,30,000/ | Minor |
Research papers:
Dr. S. K. Shinde
Sr. No. | Title of the paper Name | Volume | Year | Page No | ISSN no of the journal | Status | Impact factor |
1. | Occurrence of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi from rhizosphere soil of Garlic(Allium sativum L.)Indian Streams Research | Journal Vol.1 issue VII | August 2011 | pp.1-4 | 2230-7850 | International | |
2. | The alleviation of salt stress by the activity of AM fungi in growth and productivity of Onion (Allium cepa L.) plant | Int. Journal of Life sci. and Pharmaceutical Research (IJLPR) Vol 3 | 1 Jan-March 2013 | 2250-0480 | International | ||
3. | “Assessment of Biodiversity of AM Fungi associated with Garlic (Allium sativum L.)” from Niphad Tehsil of Nashik District | Journal of Basic Sciences Special issue | 1 July-2015 | 2454-1931 | International | ||
4. | “Consequence of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza on Enhancement, growth and Yield of Onion (Allium cepa L.) | Int. Journal Life Sci.Scientific Res. Vol.2 | 2 March 2016. | pp 206-211 | 2455-1716 | International | 2.4 |
5. | The Impact ofArbuscular-Mycorrhizal fungi and water stress on development and yield of onion (Alliumsativum L.) | Journal of The Gujarat Research Society, Vol. 21 | 16, Dec. 2019 | ISSN0374-8588 | International | 4.3 | |
6. | The Efficiency of Arbuscular mycorrhiza on Augmentation,Expansionand Yield of Garlic(Alliumsativum L) | International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Special Issue | June. 2020 | ISSN2349-5138 | International | ||
7. | Consequence of Arbuscular-Mycorrhizal Glomus species on drought tolenerce of Garlic(Alliumsativum L.) | Research Journalof AgriculturalSciences, Vol-11(6), | Nov.Dec.2020 | ISSN 0976-1675 | International |
Dr. P. P. Sonawane
Sr. No. | Title of the paper Name | Volume | Year | Page No | ISSN no of the journal | Status | Impact factor |
1. | Phytochemical Determination from leaf sample of grewia asiatica(L.) | 1665-1668 Journal Of The Gujarat Research Society , Vol-21 | 14 December 2019 | 0374-8588 | International | 4.3 | |
2. | The Comparative study of phytoconstituents of genus grewia from western maharashtra | Journal Of The Gujarat Research Society, Vol-21 | 14 December 2019 | 0374-8588 | International | 4.3 | |
3. | Pharmacognostic Study On Leaves Of Genus Grewia From Western Maharashtra | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol-29 | June 2020 | 2005-4238 | International | ||
4. | The Study On Proximate Composition Of Different Species Of Genus Grewia From Western Maharashtra | European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine (EJMCM), Vol-07 | Oct. 2020. | 2515-8260 | International | ||
5. | The phytochemical Determination from leaf samples of two Grewia species | Journal of scientific research of the banaras hindu university, Vol-65 | July 2021 | 0447-9483 | International | ||
6. | The Pharmacognostic and proximate composition analysis from leaf part of genus | Grewia NVEO-Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils, Vol-08 | May 2022 | 2148-9637 | International |
Dr. V. V. Bankar
Sr. No. | Title of the paper Name | Volume | Year | Page No | ISSN No of the journal | Status | Impact factor |
1. | Ethano-medicinal plants to cure cough from Toranmal plateau, Nandurbar District, Maharashtra, India | EDU WORLD, Volume XII special Issue: 395-400 | April 2018 | ISSN 2319-7129 | International | ||
2. | Some ethano-veterinary plants from Toranmal Plateau, Nandurbar District, Maharashtra, India | International Jouranal of Research and Analytical Review, 135-140 | January 2019 | ISSN2348-1269 | International | ||
3. | Traditional method to cure elephantiasis from Nagbhir taluka, Chandrapur district, Maharashtra | India Edu Care, Vol .IX , Number 8 | Jan.-Dec. 2020 | PP 201-202 | ISSN 2319-5282 | International | |
4. | Few ethano-botanical medicinal plants from Toranmal plateau, Maharashtra, India | Journal of scientific research of the Banaras hindu University, Vol. 65 | 7 Sept. 2021. | 99-102 | ISSN 0447-9483 | International | |
5. | Utilitarian floraof Toranmal plateau, Maharashtra, India | UPA national E- Journal, Vol.8 | 2 April 2022 | 23-27 | ISSN-2455-4375 | International |