Nutan Vidya Prasarak Mandal's Arts, Commerce & Science College, Lasalgaon


Name of the facultyDurationTitle of the projectName of the funding agencyGrant received In Rs.Status (Minor / Major)
Dr. S. K. Shinde2009-10 to 2010-11Studies on Garlic (Allium sativum L.) with reference to AM fungiUGC1,20000/-Minor
Prof. B. K. Hiray2007-08 to 2008-09Study of Bio components in the atmosphere of LasalgaonBCUD, University of Pune1,00,000Minor
Dr. P. P. Sonawane2007-08 to 2008-09Survey of medicinal plant and it’s conservation from ChandwadBCUD, University of Pune1,00,000Minor
Prof. V. V. Bankar2012 to 2014Study of phycodiversity of Nandurmadhmeshwar Dam, Tal-Niphad, Dist-NashikUGC1,30,000/Minor
Sr. No.Title of the paper NameVolumeYearPage NoISSN no of the journalStatusImpact factor
1.Occurrence of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi from rhizosphere soil of Garlic(Allium sativum L.)Indian Streams ResearchJournal Vol.1 issue VII August 2011pp.1-42230-7850International
2.The alleviation of salt stress by the activity of AM fungi in growth and productivity of Onion (Allium cepa L.) plantInt. Journal of  Life sci. and Pharmaceutical Research (IJLPR) Vol 31 Jan-March 20132250-0480International
3.“Assessment of Biodiversity of AM Fungi associated with Garlic (Allium sativum L.)” from Niphad Tehsil of Nashik DistrictJournal of Basic Sciences Special issue 1 July-20152454-1931International
4.“Consequence of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza on Enhancement, growth and Yield of Onion (Allium cepa L.)Int. Journal Life Sci.Scientific Res. Vol.22 March 2016.pp 206-2112455-1716International2.4
5.The Impact ofArbuscular-Mycorrhizal fungi and water stress on development and yield of onion (Alliumsativum L.)Journal of The Gujarat Research Society, Vol. 21 16, Dec. 2019ISSN0374-8588International4.3
6.The Efficiency of Arbuscular mycorrhiza on Augmentation,Expansionand Yield of Garlic(Alliumsativum L)International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Special Issue June. 2020 ISSN2349-5138International
7.Consequence of Arbuscular-Mycorrhizal Glomus species on drought tolenerce of Garlic(Alliumsativum L.)Research Journalof AgriculturalSciences, Vol-11(6), Nov.Dec.2020ISSN 0976-1675International
Sr. No.Title of the paper NameVolumeYearPage NoISSN no of the journalStatusImpact factor
1.Phytochemical Determination from leaf sample of grewia asiatica(L.)1665-1668 Journal Of The Gujarat Research Society ,  Vol-2114 December 20190374-8588International4.3
2.The Comparative study of phytoconstituents of genus grewia from western maharashtraJournal Of The Gujarat Research Society, Vol-2114 December 20190374-8588International4.3
3.Pharmacognostic Study On Leaves Of Genus Grewia From Western MaharashtraInternational Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol-29June 20202005-4238International
4.The Study On Proximate Composition Of Different Species Of Genus Grewia From Western MaharashtraEuropean Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine (EJMCM), Vol-07Oct. 2020.2515-8260International
5.The phytochemical Determination from leaf samples of two Grewia speciesJournal of scientific research of the banaras hindu university, Vol-65July 20210447-9483International
6.The Pharmacognostic and proximate composition analysis from leaf part of genusGrewia NVEO-Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils, Vol-08May 20222148-9637International
Sr. No.Title of the paper NameVolumeYearPage NoISSN No of the journalStatusImpact factor
1.Ethano-medicinal plants to cure cough from Toranmal plateau, Nandurbar District, Maharashtra, IndiaEDU WORLD, Volume XII special Issue: 395-400April 2018ISSN 2319-7129International
2.Some ethano-veterinary plants from Toranmal Plateau, Nandurbar District, Maharashtra, IndiaInternational Jouranal of Research and Analytical Review, 135-140January 2019ISSN2348-1269International
3.Traditional method to cure elephantiasis from Nagbhir taluka, Chandrapur district, MaharashtraIndia Edu Care, Vol .IX , Number 8Jan.-Dec. 2020PP 201-202ISSN 2319-5282International
4.Few  ethano-botanical medicinal plants from Toranmal plateau, Maharashtra, IndiaJournal of  scientific research of the Banaras hindu University, Vol. 657 Sept. 2021.99-102 ISSN 0447-9483International
5.Utilitarian floraof Toranmal plateau, Maharashtra, IndiaUPA national E- Journal, Vol.82 April 202223-27ISSN-2455-4375International