Nutan Vidya Prasarak Mandal's Arts, Commerce & Science College, Lasalgaon


Name of the facultyDurationTitle of the projectName of the funding agency Grant received In Rs.Status(Minor/ Major)
Late Dr.D.N.Chavan2006-2008Ecological Studies of Underground Water The With Reference To Water quality Assessment From Lasalgaon (Tal-Niphad) Dist-Nashik.Maharashtra.UGC Western region Pune40,000/-Minor
2009 -2012“Preparation of In2O3 and its gas sensing properties by using thick film resistors.” BCUD, University of Pune1,00,000/Minor
2010 – 2012“Preparation of nano In2O3 for gas sensor”. UGC Western region Pune1,80,000/Minor
2015 – 2017“Synthesis, Characterizations and Gas Sensing Properties of pure and Surface Modified Indium Oxide Thick and Thin Film Resisters”UGC Western region Pune2,95,000/SanctionedMinor
   Dr.D.S.Ghotekar2010 – 2012 Synthesis and screening of some azoles for antimicrobial activity”UGC Western region Pune1,55000/-Minor
2015 – 2017Study of SAR of some fungicides used for grapes and onion  in Nashik District.UGC Western region Pune315000/-Minor
Dr.B.B.Ahire2006-2008Studies on Chemical Charecterisation of Soil and Water Parameters from Niphad- A case studyUGC Western region Pune55,000/-Minor
2009-2011Synthesis Charecterisation and Antimicrobial Activities of selective metal Complexes.UGC Western region Pune95000/-Minor
  • Research papers:

A] Research papers published in national &international journal:

  1. Dr.B.B.Ahire Studies on the soil quality parameters and awareness among the farmers in selected region in Nashik, Maharashtra’pp-53-56  Indian Streams Research Journal 2020
  2. Dr.B.B.AhireChemistry Museum: An Inevitable Phenomenon in Education. Indian Streams Research Journal2013.4-6.
  3. Dr.B.B.AhireHurdles in Synthesis of Alkyl Substituted Amines using Alkyl halides’ 43-49Information and Research Trends2014
  4. Dr.B.B.AhireSynthesis of Inorganic Nanoparticles and Their Antimicrobial Activities: A Critical Review’ International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development Vol.6 Issue-  12pp1-4
  5. Dr.B.B.AhireAssessment of water quality of rural region of Niphad Tehsil, Dist.Nashik’ pp 77-80Indian Journal of Environment and Ecoplaning
  6. B.B.AhireStudies on Synthesis and Effectiveness of Eco-friendly Mosquito RepellentAcademicia:South Asian Academic Research Journals 6 ( 9);2016. DOI-10.5958/2249-7137.2016.00064.1
  7. B.B.Ahire Development of Interdisciplinary Approach in Chemical Education at Different Levels, Researchers World-Journal ofArts,Science,Commerce,8,4(4) 2017 pp 98-102
  8. B.B.AhireNatural Dye Extractions from Selected Plants, Extraction and Mordant Application to Dyeing Cotton FabricInternational Journal of Research, 7, (10) 2018
  9. Dr. B.B.AhireA literature review on –synthesis approaches of metal doped titanium dioxideJournal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research(JETIR)Vol 6 issue 2;2019.
  10. Dr.B.B.Ahire Studies on Hazardous Chemicals and Chemical Safety in Laboratories.Ajanta,Vol-VIII,Issue-1 2019
  11. Dr. B.B.AhireGreener Way to Perform Inorganic Qualitative Analysis for Minimization of Pollution Hazards.Our Heritage 68,( 38),2020.
  12. Dr.B.B.AhireWater Quality Status of Girna Dam Project, PanzangaonIndian Journal of Environmental Protection   Vol.40(7):781-784 (2020)
  13. Dr.B.B.AhireEnvironmental Pollution Hazards, Approach towards Generation and Minimization of WastesAayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal Issue-80,2020.
  14. Dr.B.B.AhireRole of Calcium in Blood CoagulationInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT) Volume 2, Issue 2, 2021.
  15. Dr.B.B.AhireSynthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Activities of bio functionalized Ag and Au Metal Nanoparticles: A ReviewOriental Journal of Chemistry,Vol.37,Issue-2,2021.
  16. Dr.B.B.AhireSanshodhanatSandharbha Sahitya Va SadhananchaPrabhavi Vapar,Kanpur Philosophers  International Journal of humanities, Law and Social Sciences2021
  17. S.M.Kasabe, B.B.Ahire Pandemic COVID-19 Causes and Preventive Measures Kanpur Philosophers  International Journal of humanities, Law and Social Sciences2021
  18. Dr.B.B.Ahire,S.M.KasabeBio-mediated Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Fruit Extract of Ananas Comosus L. Merrill (Pineapple)Oriental Journal of Chemistry Vol.37,Issue-6,2022.
  19. Dr.B.B.Ahire Synthesis, Structural, Spectroscopic, Fluorescence, and Dielectric Studies Of Bis(4-Aminopyridine–Zinc(II) Acetate: A Metal–Organic Crystal Journal of Fluorescence, Scopus (Springer)  2023.
  20. Dr.B.B.Ahire New research initiatives from a scientific perspective. Bharatiya Shiksha Shodh Patrika2024
  21. Dr.B.B.Ahire Phytochemicals Evaluations of Caesalpinia Crista Linn. And Potential Medicinal Uses: A Review Journal of Chemical Physical and Biological Sciences 2024
  22. Dr.B.B.Ahire Development of a Sustainable Dyeing Process for Cotton fabric Utilizing Natural Dyes from Punica granatum L. and Curcuma Longa Current World Environment 2024.

B) Research papers presented/published in national & international conferences:

1) Development of Interdisciplinary Approach in Chemical Education at Various Levels PP 57-58 This paper is presented and published in National Conference Proceeding of Innovative Interdisciplinary Ideas in Chemical Sciences Feb.2013 at Chopda.
2) Coordination Compounds as Antimicrobial Agents paper presented at National Conference Innovation in Chemical Laboratory to Society  2013 N.M.U.Jalgaon

A] Research papers published in national &international journal:

1) Synthesis of biologically important chromones and pyrazolines.Indian Journal of Heterocyclic chemistry, Vol.19, Oct-Dec., 2009, pp. 101-104.D. S. Ghotekar, P. G. Mandhane, R. S. Joshi, S. S. Bhagat and C.H. Gill*.
2) Synthesis of biologically important fluorinated 3-chlorochromones and 1, 5-benzothiazepines as antimicrobial and antifungal agents.Indian Journal of Heterocyclic chemistry, Vol.19, April-June., 2010, pp. 341-344.D. S. Ghotekar, P. G. Mandhane, R. S. Joshi, S. S. Bhagat and C.H. Gill*.
3) Synthesis of chromones and pyrazolines as antimicrobial and antifungal agents. Indian Journal of chemistry, Vol.49B, September 2010, pp.1267-1270. D. S. Ghotekar, P. G. Mandhane, R. S. Joshi, S. S. Bhagat and C.H. Gill*.
4) Environmentally benign ultrasound promoted synthesis of some pyrazolines and 3-chlorochromones as antimicrobial and antifungal agents. Indian Journal of Heterocyclic chemistry, Vol.20, April-June., 2011, pp. 351-354. D. S. Ghotekar, S. S. Bhagat, P.V.Badadhe, D.W.Shinde, and C.H. Gill*.
5) Synthesis characterization & antimicrobial screening of chalcones, pyrazolines and benzothiazepines incorporated with thiophene. Indian Journal of Heterocyclic chemistry, Vol.20, April-June., 2011, pp. 355-358. S. S. Bhagat, D. S. Ghotekar, P.V.Badadhe, D.W.Shinde, and C.H. Gill*.
6) Synthesis characterization & antimicrobial activity of 2-(pyridine-3-yl) – 4H-chromine-4-One.Journal of Heterocyclic chemistry, Manuscript ID.No.JHET-10-0813-R1 Jan.2013, pp149-154, vol.50  Asha V. Chate, Dattatraya. S. Ghotekar, Sunil. S. Bhagat, and Charansingh H. Gill*.
7) Synthesis characterization & biological screening of some novel thiozolidine – 4- One and  Alpha amino phosphonate derivatives. Sulphur, Phosphorus & Silicon, 14oct.2011, pp2021-2031 P.V.Badadhe, D. S. Ghotekar, Asha V. Chate, S. S. Bhagat, and C.H. Gill*.
8) Synthesis and antimicrobial screening of some fluorinated flavones and pyrazoles. Indian Journal of Heterocyclic chemistry, Vol.21, April-June., 2012, pp. 355-350. S. S. Bhagat, S.N.Thore, D. S. Ghotekar, R.S.Joshi, P.V.Badadhe, A.V.Chate, and C.H.  Gill*.
9) Ultrasound promoted synthesis of some pyrazolines & 3- chlorochromones as antibacterial  and antifungal agents. This paper is published in proceedings of international conference  on chemistry for   mankind: innovative ideas  in life sciences 9- 11 February 2011. C.H. Gill*and D.S.Ghotekar1.
10) Preparation of Diltiazem Base From Official Salt Form and its Characterization and Preparation of Matrix Type Transdermal Patch  Using Diltiazem Drug Our Heritage ,ISSN 0474-9030,VOL. 68- Special Issue-38 published January 30, 2020 , page 905-918 impact factor-6.6, Dr.D.S.Ghotekar1,   Vishal N kushare2
11) Preparation and Characterization of Atenolol Base from Hydrochloric Salt, Our Heritage ,ISSN 0474-9030,VOL. 68-Issue-1 January-2020 , page 11102-11108 impact factor-6.6 .Dr.D.S.Ghotekar1, Vishal N kushare2)
12) New Protocol for Synthesis of Some Chalcones, Chromones and 1, 5 Benzothiazepines Our Heritage ,ISSN 0474-9030,VOL. 68-Issue-1 January-2020 , page 11109-11116 impact factor-6.6, Dr. D S Ghotekar
13) Synthesis of Some Biologically Important Chalcones and Benzodiazepines Our Heritage ,ISSN 0474-9030,VOL. 68- Special Issue-38 published -January 30, 2020 , page 760-762 impact factor-6.6 Dr. Ghotekar D.S1, Dr. Shinde D.W2
14) Ultrasound promoted synthesis and characterization of some chalcones, chromones and 1, 5 benzothiazepines as antibacterial and antifungal agents Our Heritage ,ISSN 0474-9030,VOL. 68-Issue-1 January-2020 , page 11117-11124 impact factor-6.6, Dr. D S Ghotekar, Kushare vishal N.
15) A comparative study of mental health of student working in Chemical Laboratories Journal of Emerging Technology and Innovative Research(JETIR) Dec. 2018, vol. 5, Page 83-86   issue 12  ISSN-2349-5162 Dr.D.S.Ghotekar, Vishal N. Kushare
16) Development in the formulation using various crude drugs for rectal and piles problem  International Journal of Scientific Research in Science  and Technology ISSN 2394-4099  page 128-130, VOL. 4, Issue 11, 2018 ISSN 2394-4099,  Vishal N. Kushare, Dr.D.S.Ghotekar
17) An efficient multicomponent synthesis 1,4-dihydro-2,6-dimethyl-N3,N5-diphenyl-4-(4-phenylthio) phenyl)pyridine-3,5 dicarboxamide Our Heritage ,ISSN 0474-9030,VOL. 68- Special Issue-38 published -January 30, 2020 , page 772-776 impact factor-6.6.
18) Assay of Clopidogrel by using HPLTC Method, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science  and Technology ISSN 2395-602X,vol. 4 issue 11, Nov. -Dec. 2018 page-557-561.
19) Validated Stability Indicating HPTLC of Clopidogrel and its pharmaceutical Formulations  International Journal of Scientific Research in Science  and Technology ISSN 2394-4099, vol. 4 issue 11, Jan. -Feb.. 2019 page-557-567.
20) Characterization and evaluation of Warffarin (Anticoagulant Drug)in immediate release tablet doses form Journal of Emerging Technology and Innovative Research(JETIR) Dec. 2018, vol. 5, issue 12 ,Page204-212     ISSN-2349-5162
21) Development of validated Stability Indicating RP-HPLC Method for Assy of Clopidogrel  International journal of Scientific research in Science and Technology,March- April 2019,vol 6,issue-2,  Page-834-838.ISSN2395-602X
22) Current Updates on Covid 19-Review, International Journal of Novel Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences 10(2);1-8. EISSN NO 2277-2782
23) Chemical Method of Classification of Crude Drugs with its Merits and Demerits – A Review  IJSRCH issue- ,Volume 5, ISSN2456-8457,May-June-2020 Page No-06-07
24) Characterization Of Atorvastatin Calcium And Excipients 2021;8(4):  page no-12867-12903.  ISSN  e-ISSN: 2148-9637
25) Validated Stability Indicating HPTLC of Aceclofenac Online ISSN : 2394-4099 ( IJSRSET vol- 09 issue-3 page no441-447, May -June 2022 published on 20 June 2022
26) PHYTOCHEMICAL INVESTIGATION OF DRUGS  , WORLD JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES SJIF Impact Factor 7.632 Volume 11, Issue 4, 547-559 Review Article ISSN 2278 – 4357 , 4 March 2022
27) Research Article on Forms of Business Organization, 2019 IJSRSET | Volume 6 | Issue 5 | Print ISSN: 2395-1990 | 9 Online ISSN : 2394-409 Themed Section : Science and Technology DOI :
28) Community Pharmacy Practice -A Review Sep.- Oct 2020, 20 Sept. 2020 International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology Print ISSN: 2395-6011 | Online ISSN: 2395-602X ( IJSRST,page No 377-383,volume -7 ,Issue- 5
29) Development of Validated UV Spectrophotometric Method for Assay of Ozagrel Dr. D. S. Ghotekar, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Print ISSN: 2395-1990 | Online ISSN: 2394-4099 (, Page-316 -321,30 Dec.2020
30) Development of Specific and Sensitive Methods for Assay of Ozagrel and Its Pharmaceutical Formulation Dr. D. S. Ghotekar, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology Print ISSN: 2395-6011 | Online ISSN: 2395-602X ( doi :,Page      Page-700-709.20 August 2022.
31) Validated Stability Indicating HPTLC of Diclofenac Dr. D. S. Ghotekar1 , Komal S. Mande2 , Pritishchandra S. Kabra, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Print ISSN: 2395-1990 | Online ISSN : 2394-4099 ( doi : , page-No.70-75,12 sept. 2022

B) Research papers presented/published in national &international conferences:

1) A Comparative Study of Mental Health of Student working in chemical Laboratories. This paper  is   presented in India 2020:Mental health and wellbeing, National conference held at   Lasalgaon feb.2009.  D. S. Ghotekar*, S.M.Nikam & Jivan Panpatil.
2)  Ultrasound promoted synthesis of some pyrazolines & 3- chlorochromones as antibacterial  and antifungal agents. This paper is published in proceedings of international conference  on chemistry for   mankind: innovative ideas  in life  sciences 9- 11 February 2011. C.H. Gill*and D.S.Ghotekar1
3) Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial screening of some novel fluorinated β-diketones, flavones and pyrazole derivatives. This paper is presented in national seminar on chemistry: General application of chemistry,   held on11-13 February, 2012 at kopargaon. S. S. Bhagat, S.N.Thore, P.V.Badadhe, D. S. Ghotekar, R.S.Joshi, and C.H. Gill*.
4) Ultrasound promoted synthesis and characterization of some chalcones, chromones and  1, 5    benzothiazepines as antibacterial and antifungal agents. This paper is presented in proceedings of national conference on: Recent trends in chemistry:   NCRTC-2012 held on 22-23 rd Sept., 2012 at Kannad (Aurangabad). D. S. Ghotekar, D.W.Shinde, P.V.Badadhe and C.H. Gill*.
5) Ultrasound accelerated synthesis of chalcones Pyrazolines incorporated with 2-Bromothiophene as antibacterial and antifungal agents. This paper is presented in proceedings of national conference on: Recent trends in chemistry: NCRTC-2012 held on 22-23 rd Sept., 2012 at Kannad (Aurangabad). S. S. Bhagat, D.W.Shinde, D. S. Ghotekar, P.V.Badadhe, N.M.Chavan, D.R.Nagargoje and C.H. Gill*.
6) One pot synthesis of 3, 4 –dihydro-pyrimidine-2-(1H)-one via Biginelli reaction. This paper is presented in proceedings of national conference on: Recent trends in chemistry: NCRTC-2012 held on 22-23 rd Sept., 2012 at Kannad (Aurangabad). D.W.Shinde, P.V.Badadhe, D. S. Ghotekar, S.S.Bhagat and C.H. Gill*. 

Development of a Sustainable Dyeing Process for Cotton fabric Utilizing Natural Dyes from Punica granatum L. and Curcuma Longa Current World Environment 2024.

Impact of AI in Drug Development and Clinical Studies : A Systematic Review.2023.


A] Papers Published in international Journals / List of publications

B] International / National conferences / seminars attended / Papers presented in conferences

1) D. N. Chavan,  V. B. Gaikwad, G. H. Jain, “Studies on Gas Sensing Performance of Pure and Surface Chrominated Indium Oxide Thick Film Resisters”, 97th Indian Science Congress at University of Kerala, Thiruvanantpuram, Kerala, 3-7 January 2010 (Poster).
2) D. N. Chavan, V. B. Gaikwad, G. H. Jain, “Studies on Gas Sensing Performance of Pure and Cr doped Indium Oxide Thick Film Resisters, National Seminar on Preparation of Nanomaterials & their Applications at Arts, Commerce and Science College, Nandgaon (Nashik), 20-22 Feb. 2010. (Poster).
3) D. N. Chavan, V. B. Gaikwad, G. H. Jain, “Studies on Gas Sensing Performance of Pure and Modified Indium Oxide Thick Film Resisters”, 4th International Conference on Gas Sensing Technology (ICST 2010),  3-5 June 2010, at University of Salento, Lecce, Italy. (Oral).
4) D. N. Chavan, V. B. Gaikwad, G. H. Jain,  Innovation – 2009, organised by B.C.U.D University of Pune at K. T. H. M. College, Nasik 2 (Poster).
5) D. N. Chavan, V. B. Gaikwad, G. H. Jain, Innovation – 2010, organised by B.C.U.D University of Pune at K. T. H. M. College, Nasik 2 (Oral).
6) D. N. Chavan, V. B. Gaikwad, G. H. Jain, Innovation – 2012, organised by B.C.U.D University of Pune at Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana’s Arts, Science and Commerce College,  Bakori Phata, Wagholi. Pune 412207 (Oral).
7) D. N. Chavan, V. B. Gaikwad, G. H. Jain, “Studies on Gas Sensing Performance of Pure and nano Ag surface Modified Indium Oxide Thick Film as a low temp. H2S gas sensor, 1st International Conference on Physics of Materials, Materials Based Device Fabrication ICPM—MDF– 2012 at Shivaji University, Kolhapur (India), during 17th to 19th January – 2012, (Poster).
8) R. H. Bari, D. N. Chavan, G. H. Jain, “Synthesis, Characterizations and H2S Gas Sensing properties of nanocrystalline In2O3 thick film sensor” Proceeding of 5th International Conferanceon on Sensing Technology ICST – 2012, 978 – 1 – 4577 – 0168 – 9, pp. 273 -277, DOI. 10.1109/ICSensT.2011. 6136981, 2012 (Poster).

Research papers presented/published in national & international conferences:

1) Hurdles in Synthesis of Alkyl Substituted Amines using Alkyl halides pp 43-49 Information and Research Trends Vol.2, Issue1 Feb.2014 presented paper at National Conference Nashik
2) Coordination Compounds as Antimicrobial Agents paper presented at National Conference Innovation in Chemical Laboratory to Society 2013 N.M.U.Jalgaon