Nutan Vidya Prasarak Mandal's Arts, Commerce & Science College, Lasalgaon


Title of projectName of funding        agencyDurationRemark
Electrochemical synthesis & characterization of conducting polymer for development of biosensor       UGCTwo Years  Completed

Research Papers Published:

  1. The Fabrication of Composite Graphite-PANI-AgNO3 Partied based urea Bio-sensor.        U.N. Shelke  , K.S. Paithankar , V.B.Deshmukh, V.K. Gade. International Journal of Current Trends in Science & Technology. Online: ISSN: 0976-9730 Print ISSN: 0976-9498 15th January 2018.
  2. Synthesis of Polyaniline based none composite Graphite paste electrode modified with & without silver Non particles for sensor Application: A Comparative Study U.N. Shelke, K.S. Paithankar, V.B. Deshmukh, S.B. Iyyer, S.T. More, V.K. Gade. IJCPS Vol.7, Special Issue ICAFM (part-11) March 2018 International Journal of Chemical & Physical science ISSN : 2319-6602 March 2018.
  3. Synthesis of poly O-anisidine based Sensor for isoperimetric detection of pesticide carbonyl. U.N. Shelke, K.S Paithankar, V.B. Deshmukh, S.A. Folane, V.K. Gade. Current Pharma Research 2019 9(4), 3208-3215. ISSN 2230-7842 . 11th January 2019.
  4. Amperometric detection of carbafuran by graphite paste electrode with silver nano particles (AgNo3)  U.N. Shelke, K.S Paithankar , V.B Deshmukh, P.K. Paithankar, V.K. Gade. Current Pharma Research 2019 9 (4), 3356-3395 . ISSN 2230-7842. 27th January 2019.
  5. Electrochemical synthesis and characterization of coreopsis Aniline and Poly 2-Amino Pyridine as Conducting Polymer Paithankar Kiran, More Suresh, S.R. Mirgane, Shelke Ujwala V.K. Gade. RTMS Proceeding 2016. ISBN NO. 978.93.5188.599.2. 15 & 16 February 2016.
  6. Synthesis & Characterization of conducting Polymer & enzyme based Modified electrode Paithankar Kiran, More Suresh, S.R.Mirgane, Shelke Ujwala, V.K. Gade. RTMS Proceeding 2016 ISBN No. 978.93.5188.599.2 15 & 16 February 2016.
  7. Creative Biosesor Based on Graphite paster electrode Modified with Dibenzo-30-crown-10 and Rice Husk K.S. Paithankar, V.B. Deshmukh, U.N. Shelke, S.B Iyyer , S.T. More, V.K. Gade. Asian Jounal of Chemistry Vol.29 No,6 (2017) 1401-1404. Published Online. 10th April 2017.
  8. Amperometric detection of cholesterol by nanocomposite graphite electrode paste K.S. Paithankar, V.B. Deshmukh, U.N Shelke, S.B Iyyer, S.T. More, V.K. Gade. Research Journal of physical sciences Vol.5(6) 5-9 .  ISSN 2320-4796 Available Online . August 2017.
  9. Synthesis of Polyaniline based Non composite graphite paste electrode modified with & without Rise Husk for sensor application : A comparative Study K.S. Paithankar, V.B. Deshmukh, U.N. Shelke, S.B. Iyyer, S.T. More, V.K. Gade . Asian Journal of  Chemistry Vol.29 No.11 (2017) 2545-2548 . Published Online . 29th September 2017.
  10. Amperometric Detection of Urea by Polyaniline & poly (o_anis Dine) film under G Alvanostatio Method – A comparative study  S.A. Folane , K.S.Paithankar, V.B. Deshmukkh, U.N. Shelke, S.B. Iyyer, V.K. Gade. Asian journal of Chemistry Vol.31, No.2 (2019) 283-286. Published Online . 31st December 2018.
  11. Syntheisis & characterization of Polyaniline film by K2Cr2O7,  K2CrO2& Fecl3: A Comparative study V.B. Deshmukh, K.S. Paithankar, U.N. Shelke, S.B. Iyyer V.K. Gade. International Journal of scientific Research in physics and applied sciencses Vol.6 Issue .pp 149- 154. E- ISSN : 2348-3423 Available Online . 31St December 2018.
  12. Study of Influence for Various Parameters to electrochemical synthesis of Polyaniline thine film by Galvanostatic Method  Deshmukh V.B., Paithankar K.S.., Shelke U.N., More S.T., Iyyer S.N.., Gade V.K. Internatinal research Journal of Science & Engineering 2018 Special Issue A2: 150-155. ISSN 2322-0015 UGC Approved Journal No. 63638 SJFF  Impact factor 4-11 .2018.
  13. Electrochemical Synthesis & characterization of aniline by K2Cr2O7 as an oxidant & H2SO4 as a dopant V.B. Deshmukh, K.S. Paithankar, U.N. Shelke, V.K. Gade . Current Pharma Research 2019 9(2) 2831-2836 ISSN 2230-7842 7th January2019.
  14. Polyaniline Based potentiometric Creatinine Biosensor Based on Nanocomposite Graphite Paste and Rice HuskK.S.Paithankar,V.B.Deshmukh, U.N.Shelke,S.T.,S.R.Mirgane, V.K.Gade.Management Guru:Journal of Manegement  Research(International Journal) ISSN2319-2429.
  15. Analytical detection of paraoxon using Acetylcholinesterase as an enzyme on Polyaniline/FeCI3 composite film by potentiostatic Method. V.B. Deshmukh, K.S.Paithankar ,U.N.Shelke, V.K.Gade Volume 65,Issue5,2023 .Joural of Scientific Research, institute of science Hindu University,Varanasi, India.
  16. Fabrication of acetylcholinesterase sensor based on polyaniline / K2Cr2O7 composite film modified electrode for amperiometric detaction of carbaryl V.B.Deshmukh ,K.S.Paithankar , U.N.Shelke N.R.Dhumane ,jurnal of Advanced in Applied Science & Technology (20 22) Vol.8 |Issue 1 ISSN : 2393 (Print) 2393- 8196(online).
  17. Structural, Surface Morphological, Optical Properties and Angle of Contact of InSe Thin Film Using CBD Method ‘in the International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (IJSRST), Volume 11, Issue 19, September-October-2024 , U.N.Shelke.  IJSRST International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology Print ISSN: 2395-6011 | Online ISSN: 2395-602X [UGC Journal No: 64011] Peer Reviewed and Refereed International Scientific Research Journal  Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 8.62
  18. Environmental Applications of  Nanomaterials , Ujwala N. Shelke , Manisha D. Dhiware, Ramesh B. Bhise , Advances of  Nanomaterials in Energy & Environmental Technology,Mahi Publication.