Department of Zoology PO’S & CO’S
B.Sc. (Zoology) CBCS 2019 Pattern
Program Outcome:
- Demonstrate, solve and an understanding of major concepts in all disciplines of Zoology.
- Solve the problem and also think methodically, independently and draw a logical conclusion.
- Understand the evolution, history of phylum.
- Create an awareness of the impact of Zoology on the environment, society, and development outside the scientific community
- To study and understand the classification of whole phyla includes in Nonchordates with the help of charts/models/pictures
- Gain the knowledge of Zoology through theory and practical’s.
- Study and understand the DNA Recombinant technology.
- Use modern Zoological tools, Models, Charts and Equipment’s.
- Know structure-activity relationship.
- Understand good laboratory practices and safety.
- Make aware and handle the sophisticated instruments/equipment.
- Gain the knowledge of Zoology through theory and practical’s.
- Study and understand the DNA Recombinant technology.
Course specific Outcomes FYBSc (Zoology): Semester I
Course title – (Paper-I) Animal Diversity I
- The student will be able to understand classify and identify the diversity of animals.
- The student understands the importance of classification of animals and classifies them effectively using the six levels of classification.
- The student knows his role in nature as a protector, preserver and promoter of life which he has achieved by learning, observing and understanding life.
Course title – (Paper-II) Animal Ecology
- The learners will be able to Identify and critically evaluate their own beliefs, values and actions in relation to professional and societal standards of ethics and its impact on ecosystem and biosphere due to the dynamics in population.
- To understand anticipate, analyse and evaluate natural resource issues and act on a lifestyle that conserves nature. The Learner understands and appreciates the diversity of ecosystems and applies beyond the syllabi to understand the local lifestyle and problems of the community.
- The learner will be able to link the intricacies of food chains, food webs and link it with human life for its betterment and for non-exploitation of the biotic and abiotic components.
- The working in nature to save environment will help development of leadership skills to promote betterment of environment.
FYBSc (Zoology): Semester II Course title – (Paper-I) Animal Diversity II
- The student will be able to understand classify and identify the diversity of animals.
- The student understands the importance of classification of animals and classifies them effectively using the six levels of classification.
- The student knows his role in nature as a protector, preserver and promoter of life which he has achieved by learning, observing and understanding life.
Course title – (Paper-II) Cell Biology
- The learner will understand the importance of cell as a structural and functional unit of life.
- The learner understands and compares between the prokaryotic and eukaryotic system and extrapolates the life to the aspect of development.
- The dynamism of bio membranes indicates the dynamism of life.
- Its working mechanism and precision are responsible for our performance in life.
- The cellular mechanisms and its functioning depend on endo-membranes and structures.
- They are best studied with microscopy.
S.Y.BSc. (Zoology) : Semester I
Course title- Animal systematics and Diversity III
- Understanding of phylum Arthropoda, Mollusca and Echinodermata with respect to habits and habitats
- Understanding of morphology and anatomy of starfish
- Understanding of larval forms of above mentioned phyla
- Economic importance of Arthropods and molluscs
- Course title- Applied zoology I
- Understanding of application of fishery science
- Understanding of science of pest control
- Understanding of different pests and their infestation
S.Y.BSc.: Semester II Course title- Animal systematics and Diversity IV
- Understanding of Phylum Chordate and its classes
- Understanding of general characteristics of reptiles, aves and mammals.
- Understanding of Scoliodon systems
- Understanding of adaptations according to their habitat
- Course title- Applied zoology II
- Understanding of apiculture and sericulture
- Understanding of tools and techniques used in apiculture and sericulture
- Understanding of enemies of honey bees and silk moths
TYBSc (Zoology): Semester III
Course title- (Paper-I) Animal Systematic and Diversity- V
- To understand the evolution, history of phylum.
- To understand about the Non Chordate animals.
- To study the external as well as internal characters of non chordates.
- To study the distinguishing characters of non chordates.
- To understand the economical importance of Molluscs
- To understand the various internal systems like Digestive system,nervous system with the help of charts.
- To understand the functions of Gemmules and spicules.
- To understand the economical importance of Molluscan shells.
Course title- (Paper-II) Mammalian Histology
- To understand the terms Histology and Physiology
- To understand the cell, tissue, organ, system and organisms.
- Study the derivatives of skin- horns, nails, hairs.
- Study and understand the terms- acidosis, alkalosis, asphexia, hypoxia, anoxia and cyanosis
Course title- (Paper III) Biological Chemistry
- To understand about the agencies responsible for Production of various products using biochemistry.
- To understand the term pH, Buffer.
- To understand the structure and function of carbohydrate, amino acids, proteins, and lipids.
- To understand the concept Enzymes and also Vitamins and minerals.
- To understand the Principle role of Vitamins in metabolism and the deficiency diseases.
Course title- (Paper IV) Environmental Biology & Toxicology
- Know the biotic and abiotic components of ecosystem. Food chain & food web in ecosystem.
- To understand diversity among various groups of animal kingdom.
- To understand Animal community & ecological adaptation in animals.
- To understand Scope , importance and management of biodiversity
Course title- (Paper-V) Parasitology
- To study and understand the scope and branches of Medical Zoology.
- To aware the students for various parasites and diseases which spreads in human with the help of study of host-parasite relationship.
- To increase awareness for the health in students.
- To understand the various disease causing vectors like Mosquitoes.
- To aware about the typhoid, cholera likes disease.
Course title- (Paper VI) Cell Biology
- To understand the Scope of cell biology, because cell is the basic unit of life.
- To understand the Main distinguishing characters between plant cell and animal cell.
- To study and understand the whole cell organelles with their structure and function.
- To understand the cell cycle and know the importance of various cells in body of organisms.
- To understand the various applications of cells by using cell biology like study of various types of tumor.
- To understand the Animal cells and various cell organelles by using microphotographs.
TYBSc (Zoology): Semester IV
Course title- (Paper) Biological Techniques
- To understand the various Applications of Biotechnology.
- Study and Understand the Hybridoma technology as well as Enzyme biotechnology.
- Study and understand the DNA Recombinant technology.
- To understand the industrial and environmental biotechnology.
- Study and understand the Stem cell biotechnology.
- To understand the Scope and Significance of Biotechnology.
Course title- (Paper-II) Mammalian Physiology and Endocrinology
- To understand the Importance of physiology and branches of it.
- To understand the terms-Osmosis, diffusion, pH and Buffer.
- To understand the Digestion and Excretion process, by studying the organs of it
- To understand the process of Metabolism.
- To understand the term Detoxification.
- To understand the Circulatory system and Lymphatic system.
- Study the nervous system.
Course title- (PaperIII) Genetics and Molecular Biology
- To understand the Molecular biology and molecular biology.
- To understand the cell divisions and types of mutation.
- To understand the structure and function of the cells.
- To understand the term cell signaling.
- Aware the students for Cancer.
- To understand the Tools and Techniques in Molecular Biology.
- To understand the term ELISA technique and DNA finger printing.
Course title- (PaperIV) Organic Evolution
- To understand Origin of life with respect to prokyariotic and eukaryotic cells.
- To understand the evidences of organic evolution by anatomical embryological list, paleontological, physiological, genetics and molecular biology evidences.
- To understand theories of organic evolution, isolation, and speciation.
- To understand geological time scale, methods and classification of animal distribution and factors affecting animal distribution.
Course title- (Paper-V) General Embryology
- To understand the terms: Gametogenesis, Fertilization and early development.
- To understand the Morphogenesis and Organogenesis in animals.
- To understand the Aging, Apoptosis and Senescence.
Course title- (PaperVI) Medical Entomology
- To understand the fundamentals of agricultural, forest, medical and veterinary entomology.
- To understand the Morphology and Anatomy of Insects.
- To understand intra specific and inter specific relationships among insects.
- To understand significance of beneficial and harmful insects with reference to their habit and habitat, life cycle, diseases caused by them and their control measures.