Nutan Vidya Prasarak Mandal's Arts, Commerce & Science College, Lasalgaon


Name of the facultyDurationTitle of the projectName of the funding agencyGrant received In Rs.Status (Minor/ Major)
Late Dr. R. B. Patil2013-14 to 2016-17Study of aquatic plants of Nandurmadhameshvar DamDepartment of Forestry40000/Minor
Dr. S. M. Nikam2008-09 to 2011-12Pesticide induced changes in physiology of  fresh water fish Nemacheilus botiaBCUD, University of Pune2,30,000/Minor
Dr. R. M. Shambharkar2009-10 to 2011-12A case study of E-waste management of Niphad and LasalgaonUGC1,00,000/-Minor
  1. Nikam, S. M., Shejule, K. B. and Patil, R. B. 2011. Study of acute toxicity of metasystox on the fresh water fish Nemacheilus botia from Kedrai dam in Maharastra, India. Biology and Medicine. 3(4): 13-17.
  2. Nikam, S. M., Shejule, K. B. 2012.Histopathological Changes in Kidney of Freshwater Fish, Nemacheilus Botia, From Nandur Madhmeshwar Dam at Maharashtra, India Exposed to Bis (Tributyltin) Oxide. Indian Journal of Applied Research Volume.5(1):
  3. Nikam, S. M., Shejule, K. B. 2015.Study of acute toxicity of bis (tributyltin) oxide (tbto) on the freshwater fish, Nemacheilus botia, from Nandur Madhmeshwar Dam at Maharashtra, India. The Bioscan, 10(1): 517-519
  4. Nikam, S. M.(2015) A study on acute toxicity and oxygen consumption in fresh water fish Nemacheilus botia exposed to organophosphate pesticide Metasystox Scholars World, 3(Special issue):76-79
  5. Humbe A, Nikam, S. M., Shejule, K. B. 2016.Seasonal study of acute toxicity of tributyltin oxide (TBTO) on the fresh water bivalve, Lamellidens marginalis from Godavari river at Maharashtra,India. Indian Journal of Applied Research Volume  6 (3):229-231
  6. Nikam, S. M.(2018) Tributyltin Oxide (TBTO) Induced histological alternations in gill of the freshwater fish, Nemacheilus botia. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 3 pp 464-468 Year: 2018   ISSN 2349-8870
  7. Nikam, S. M.(2020) Effect of Tributyltin Oxide on Protein Contents of Gill, Liver and Kidney of Freshwater Fish Nemacheilus Botia Our Heritage ISSN: 0474-9030 Vol-68-Issue-30-February-2020 pp 12419-12423
  8. Nikam, S. M.(2023) Effect of Different Cooking Methods on Nutritional values of fresh Water Fish Nemacheilus botia Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences Bull. Env. Pharmacol. Life Sci., Spl Issue [1] January 2023: 550-553. ©2022 Academy for Environment and Life Sciences, India Online ISSN 2277-1808
  9. Shambharkar R M.2010. Changes in ascorbic acid contened in liver and overy of fresh water fish barilius bendelisis after exposure to sublethal concentration of Dimecron. International Journal of Research Analysis and Evaluation.1(14):29-31
  10. Shambharkar R M.2014. Biodiversity of fishes of Girna project near panzangaon, Tal-Nandgaon,District-nashik,(M.S) India . International Journal of Research Analysis and Evaluation,Vol-V(58-59):46-47
  11. Shambharkar R M.2016. Study of zooplanktons population in Girana project with context to fish production. International Journal of Research Analysis and Evaluation,Vol-VII(78-79):41-43
  12. Patil R. B. International Journal of Research   An Assessment of the physico-chemical properties of Nandurmadhmeshwar Dam, Maharashtra state ( India )Vol. – 7 Issue VIII, August / 2018, Page No.807 to 814ISSN No. : 2236 – 6124
  13. Patil R. B. International Journal of Research    Diversity and Abundance of Zooplankton in Nandurmadhmeshware Dam, From Nashik District ,Maharashtra State ( India )          Vol. – 7 Issue IX, September / 2018, Page No.1263 to 1267 ISSN : 2236 – 6134
  14. Patil R. B. International  Journal Of Recent ScientificResearch Biodiversity of fishes of Nadurmadhameshwar Dam, DistictNashik, (M.S.) India.         Vol. – 9 Issue 5 (J) Page No. 27140 to 27142 May – 2018,ISSN : 0976 – 3031
  15. Patil R. B. International  Journal of Resent ScientificResearch To study the physico-chemical parameters of Nandurmadhmeshwar Dam, Nashik District, Maharashtra, India    Vol – 9 Issue VIII,  (C) Page No.28451 to 28455August  – 2018,ISSN : 0976 – 3031
  16. Shambharkar R. M.  To study of the Physico-chemical parameters of Girna project near Panzangaon, Tal- Nandgaon, Dist-Nashik (M.S.) India, Online International Journal of Science and Technology, Volume -6, Issue- 2, 27 March 2019, ISSN:2395-6011, Online ISSN:2395-602X ,Page No. 472-479
  17. Shambharkar R. M.   The study of the Physico-chemical Analysis of Girna project District-Nashik (M.S.) India, Online International Journal of Creative Research Thought, Volume -7, Issue- 1,   February 2019, ISSN: 2320-2882, Page No. 97- 108

Dr. Sanjay Nikam

Sr. NoTitle of the paperName and Venue of conferenceDate of Conference/ Seminar etc.Level
1Residues, hazards and historical evolution of pesticide in India“Environmental Science” at Shri. Dnyaneshwar Mahavidyalaya,Newasa, Ahemednagar23 to 25 Feb.2012National
2Organic farming for sustain of Indian agriculture“Sustainable development of forest and environment” at K.G.D.M.College Niphad ,Nashik21 and 22 March 2013National
3A Study of Toxicity And Respiration in Fresh Water Fish Nemacheilus Botia Exposed to Organophosphate Pesticide Metasystox  “International Conference on Bioengineering and Life Sciences” organized by Department of Zoology, New Arts, Commerce and Science College, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India.11 and 12 February 2020International
4 The Fresh Water Crab, (Decapoda: Brachyura) of Chandwad Tehsil, Maharashtra, India  National workshop on “Recent trends in biodiversity organized by Adv. Manoharrao Nanasaheb Deshmukh Arts, Science & Commerce College, Rajur Tal – Akole , Dist – Ahmednagar, (422604)  10& 11 Feb 2023National workshop
5.Environmental Pollution and living organisms  Resource Person at International Conference on Climate change and its effect on environment, agriculture, management, health and society (ICCEAMHS-2024)  Jointly organized by: MES’S Arts, Commerce and Science College, Sonai, Ahmednagar, MS, MSSPM’S Lal Bahadur Shastri Sr. College, Partur, Jalna, MS, & Yuvaraja’s College (Autonomous), Mysuru, KarnatakaNovember, 13-14,2024  International Conference